Your Greatest Contribution

Your Greatest Contribution

Author: Mellanie Alexander
May 13, 2022

Reading Plan:
Proverbs 22:6

Your Greatest Contribution
Author: Mellanie Alexander

We have talked all week about family, discipline, and what it looks like to live life as a family from God's point of view. Today is no exception. "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6. We know this verse. I think sometimes we know it so well, that we don't let the magnitude of it settle in. We as parents are ultimately responsible for telling our children about Jesus. We are responsible for showing them what it means to live a life for God - not just by words, but by our deeds. Our actions speak so much louder than our words. Our kids do what they see, not what they hear, and they are always watching.

Today, I want to share a short testimony from my own life that I think will illustrate this verse. I sit by myself at church at least two Sundays out of the month. My husband works shift work and my youngest goes to KXP, so I'm usually by myself. I have been to House Church many times by myself. I am also an introvert, which can make both House Church and Sunday morning experiences hard to do by myself. It's hard to be alone in a crowd. I know I'm not truly alone, but if you are an introvert, you totally get it.

One day I was talking to God about this, and I asked Him to help me with the way I feel about it. I want to be in church. I love Jesus. I want to set a good example for my son and even for my daughter who is 20 and lives in another town. So, God and I are talking, and He clearly says to me, "Mel, you know who else it was hard for? Your mama." You see, we didn't talk much about God in my house. I find that to be true of a lot of people in my generation. However, my mama took us to church every single Sunday. We went on Sunday nights. We went on Wednesday nights. We went to Vacation Bible School, revival, and countless church functions. If something was happening at the church, we were there - usually without my daddy. I can count on one hand the times my daddy came to church with us. My mother is way more introverted than me, so the fact that she did this on her own amazes me. I remember one Sunday night when she was so brave and got up in front of the church and gave her testimony. Her testimony is what God used to speak to me, and I became saved at the age of 10.

My mama was faithful to keep us in church. It was important. We never questioned whether or not we were going to church. It wasn't an option not to go. This is the way she trained me, and I haven't forgotten it. Has there been a season where I didn't go to church? There has been. Are there times when I don't want to go? There are, but I try to not make church optional. Not because I want to check off a box, but because I want to know God more and I want my 9-year-old to know God. I want to train him to love God and love people. I do that a lot in my home, but we need church for that too.

So, dads, moms, grandparents...whatever your title is, keep being faithful in what you do. Keep taking those babies to church. Keep praying for them and with them. Keep setting boundaries. Keep showing them the same lavish love that God shows us. He entrusted those precious souls into your care on purpose. It's hard work but it's Kingdom work, and your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God could very well be who you raise.

Reflection & Response:
• What are some ways in which your parents or someone influential in your life trained you to love God and love people? Do you still practice the things you were taught (prayer, going to church, reading your Bible, caring for others, etc.)?
• Tell someone how God has used them to guide you in your faith journey.
• What areas of your life do you struggle with today? Do your actions reflect the words in scripture that we’ve read this week? Pray and ask God to show you any areas that you need to work on.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: Put on your virtues

• Today we are back to the book of Proverbs. Do you remember who wrote Proverbs?
o Solomon the wisest man to ever live wrote the book of Proverbs.
• In Proverbs, it tells us that families should set the example for their kids. Don’t worry though, even as a kid you get to set an example for others. People watch our actions. Through our actions, we are showing people Jesus. How does it make you feel when someone serves you? It feels really good right, imagine how other people feel when you serve them!
• What is a way you and your family can serve your neighbors this week? You could even get together with other people in your House Church and serve together.
• Prayer: God, you are so good! Thank you for loving me so much! God, help me to show others of your goodness and love through my actions. Amen.

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