Your Church

Your Church

Author: Anna Belk
Apr 25, 2022

Reading Plan:
Hebrews 10:19-25

Your Church
Author: Anna Belk

I love this passage for the way it uniquely provides visuals of the Church. Growing up, my parents raised me as a citizen of the world, meaning I lived in many countries across multiple continents. As my heart wrapped around the globe, the gospel in many different tongues began to pour into my ears. My eyes have witnessed the church body under both nurturing and persecuting governmental parties. However, one truth held firm across both barriers and borders, and after pandemics, international tensions, and the daily stresses of life that already take their heavy toll-- we need to hear now more than ever that the Church is designed to be a living and breathing body of believers in active pursuit of our King who will return. In fact, Venture Church recently wrote an anthem called "Your Church." When we sing this song as the Body of Christ, we declare no stone, no door, no pandemic, and no politician could hold back the power or presence of the church.

Verse nineteen in this passage in Hebrews tells us that we’re made family through the blood of Jesus. Nothing, not the curtain guarding the holy place, physical distance, sin, or shame, can separate a believer from Jesus or the body. Instead, what once separated us, now represents our rebirth and adoption into kingship. When Jesus, the Lamb in all His innocence, went to the cross, the authority of sin in the world from Eve’s first bite was not just broken but entirely abolished.

As our world grows more restless for the approaching day of Christ's return, it is crucial now more than ever that we pray for one another and gather as the body of Christ. Verse 23 pleads that we do not become complacent as the body, but hold to the same hope we profess. If the feet of the body aches because war has displaced the refugee, the hands can pick up the torch and continue the race in their place. Verse 22 encourages us to draw near to God with a sincere heart in the assurance that the day will come when Satan is held accountable for every sinful scheme. Now more than ever, the world is seeking answers. Let this be our answer: We are the body. The church body does not bow to man’s scheme nor are we contained by brick. Where we breathe, step, or exist, we take ground. Brother Andrew, a Dutch missionary, once said, “One man with God is a majority.” He who promised is faithful. If we serve a promise-fulfilling God who is faithful both in famine and in feast, the church body whether ear, arm, or foot, cannot be stopped. What are we waiting for? Let’s go. We’ve got work to do.

Reflection & Response:

• How have you seen God move through the Church?
• Are you plugged into a local House Church? How has God used that to impact your faith and the faith of others?

Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: We are the Church.

• The Church is more than just the building we sit in. The Church is the people who are following Jesus together. We become part of Jesus’ Church when we decide to follow Jesus for the rest of our lives.
• As a part of the Church, we get to be a part of God’s mission. We can serve the world with Jesus. How does it make you feel when you do something for someone else?
• A part of God’s mission is for everyone to know Him and follow Him. Who is someone you can start to be friends with and invite to church? Maybe they don’t have any friends at all or maybe they need a friend who will invite them to church. You can be that friend.
• Prayer: God, you are wonderful! Thank you for letting me be a part of your church and a part of your mission! God, help me make a new friend this week and invite them to church. Amen.

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