Word Matter

Word Matter

Author: Cooper Herrington
Aug 24, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Acts 18

Words Matter 

Cooper Herrington  

“Small minds discuss people. Average minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas.” – Unknown

Have you ever said something you later regretted? I know I have plenty of times. My word choice and topics of conversation have forced me to apologize many times. and yet I still have missed the mark many more times. There are plenty of times I should have apologized but did not. I am very much still in progress when it comes to gossip. You may be wondering how in the world gossip and Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos go together. I believe we can not only learn from what Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos did but maybe even more importantly from what they did not do.  

Priscilla and Aquila were faithful followers of Jesus, friends of Paul, and leaders of the early church even hosting a house church. Then there was Apollos. Apollos was a smart man who knew scripture well. He even knew some scripture about Jesus. But Apollos only knew about the work of John the Baptist. Apollos was a great teacher and a great communicator; what he did know he taught with passion and boldness, but He didn’t know much about Jesus at all. Instead of Priscilla and Aquilla hearing Apollos teach and then talking about him behind his back, they invited him over for dinner. I like to imagine they asked around and found out what his favorite meal was and had it hot and ready when he walked through their front door. Apollos might have said, “Holy Cow! How did you know I loved this? It smells just like if my grandma made it!” Priscilla might have replied, “We had a feeling you might say that, come on in let’s eat.” During their time together Priscilla and Aquila spent time listening to and talking with Apollos. They corrected him lovingly and taught him about Jesus. Notice what they didn’t do. They didn’t spend time talking about Apollos and tearing him or the early church apart. See gossip weakens our relationships and makes the bride of Christ ugly to the world. Jesus said the world would know we are his followers by the way we love each other. Let’s learn from Priscilla and Aquilla and change the way we think and speak about and to each other.  

When you find yourself talking about someone negatively who’s not in the room, hit pause on the conversation and begin the hard work. Apologize to the people you were talking to for involving them in gossip. Then invite the person you were talking about over for dinner. Try to find out what they like to eat. Share a meal, apologize for talking about them negatively, ask for their forgiveness, then enjoy each other’s company, and bring out dessert. This is something that will be slow and messy, but imagine the impact it could have on the relationships you have, the impact it could have on people that aren’t followers of Jesus, and the impact it could have on your family. This is hard work, and it could change generations forever. 


  • Is there someone you need to apologize to for gossiping about them? Before you start a conversation with them, spend time praying. Talk to God, pray for yourself, and pray for the other person. One reminder in moving forward in this hard challenge is to remember that obedience is not determined by the outcome. No matter how comfortable or uncomfortable the outcome is, you are still being obedient to the call that Jesus has given us as His followers.  

Family Application: I can share the Good News! 

Author: Nichole McCardle 

  • While preaching in Corinth, Paul met Priscilla and Aquila, who were tentmakers. Not only were they tent makers, but they loved Jesus too! Paul worked with them making tents, and they traveled with Paul, telling others about Jesus. They traveled from Corinth to Ephesus, and there they met Apollos. Apollos was also teaching others about Jesus. He was a great speaker and a great leader, but he did not fully understand who Jesus was and what He did. He did not understand the full meaning of being baptized. Priscilla and Aquilla invited Apollos into their home and explained to him that since Jesus had died for our sins and was raised again, we are now to be baptized in His name. Now Apollos was an even better teacher of the good news of Jesus! There are a few things we can learn from this story. This story reminds us that anyone can tell others about Jesus, whether we are a kid, a teacher, a KXP leader, or even a tent maker! If we know the good news about Jesus, we should share it with everyone!! Another thing that we are reminded of is that there is always an opportunity to learn more. Apollos was a great speaker, who knew a lot about Jesus. But he did not let that stop him from learning more and becoming the best leader that God intended for him to be. 
  • Sometimes, we may feel like we don’t know enough about the Bible, or maybe we are just too young to be bold enough to tell others about Jesus. But that is not the case at all! Do you know Jesus loves you? Yes! So tell your friends! Do you know that Jesus wants to be your friend forever? Yes! So tell your family! We do not have to be an expert to share the good news of Jesus with the people around us. Give it a try today! 
  • Although Apollos knew a lot about Jesus, there was still more to learn. One of the best ways to learn more about Jesus is by reading our Bible and studying Bible stories. The Venture Kids Youtube Channel has tons of great content for you and your family to watch together, and you can check it out here.
  • Prayer: God, You are so loving! Thank You for giving me the Bible so that I can learn more about You. Help me to use what I learn to teach others about Your love. Amen.

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