Without Hindrance

Without Hindrance

Author: Raley Millet
Sep 7, 2022

Reading Plan: 

 Acts 28

Without Hindrance

Author: Raley Millet 

Some of my favorite movies are about journeys and the challenges that the main characters have to face along the way. To name a few: O Brother Where Art Thou, Finding Nemo, Homeward Bound, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. There’s something so compelling about seeing someone move forward to the finish line - not stopping no matter what they encounter. I truly think that if they had been cranking out movies in the first century, Paul’s journey to Rome could’ve made for a great blockbuster. (Romeward Bound?…Yes, I laughed out loud at myself as I just came up with that title). But, the best part of any journey story is when our beloved characters that we’ve been rooting for finally make it to their final destination. That is where we are at today in Acts 28, the final chapter of the book of Acts, when we see that Paul finally makes it to Rome after going through quite an arduous journey.  

I love the penultimate verse of the book of Acts: “For two whole years Paul stayed there [Rome] in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!” 

We talked a lot about boldness a couple of days ago when we read Acts 26, so I really want to look at the words “without hindrance."  

The context of this verse is key to understanding the importance of those last two words. At the time he was in Rome, Paul was considered a prisoner. For these two years, he was under house arrest and could not leave his own home or preach in public. I cannot think of anything that seems like a bigger hindrance to being able to share The Gospel with others than being stuck at home under the watchful eye of the Roman guard. Being "without hindrance" did not mean Paul was free from any obstacle; it meant that Paul's zeal for living for Christ was never hindered.  

Just like our favorite characters, we are on a journey, as well. We are on a lifelong faith journey to follow Jesus and obey His commands, but there's a good chance that each of us is facing some sort of barrier that impedes us from stepping into what God is calling us to do. Whether it's a busy schedule, financial burdens, health struggles, or just sheer exhaustion, hindrances are everywhere. However, when we look at the Biblical account of Paul and everything he faced, we can see that the things that hindered him physically did not diminish his passion to follow Jesus and share the Gospel with others. He knew that the God he served was greater than any difficulty he might be facing. 

It is through Christ that we can persevere no matter our circumstances and live for Him with "all boldness and without hindrance.” 


  • Read Hebrews 12:1-2. What are some things that are hindering you as you follow Christ? How can you fix your eyes on Jesus instead of the obstacles you are facing? 
  • What is the next step you need to take in your faith journey "without hindrance"? (Being baptized, joining a house church, serving others, giving generously, sharing The Gospel with someone, finding an accountability partner) 

Family Content: 7 Marks of Discipleship 

This week’s family content will look a little different. We’ll be recapping and practicing some of the 7 Marks of Discipleship as a family. Take time each day to read the Bible Reading Plan and complete the daily challenge as a family. Regular family content will return in two weeks. If you would like to be a part of the family content volunteer team or have questions about family content please email cooper@venturechurch.org

Read: Acts 28

Challenge: One of the seven marks of a disciple is community. Community is the people who help you love Jesus more. Your community can be your friends, your family, your House Church, your teachers, coaches, band leaders, etc. It is important to have people who you can count on who can help you. One way we make great relationships with people is by encouraging them. Find one person today and tell them something you like about them.  

Prayer: God, You are the only God. Thank You for the truth of Your Word. Thank You for giving us the gift of each other. Help me find one person who I can be kind to today and build a better friendship with. 

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