Where the Spirit of the Lord Is

Where the Spirit of the Lord Is

Author: Jessica Brinson
Jul 7, 2022

Reading Plan:  

2 Corinthians 3 


Where the Spirit of the Lord Is

Author: Jessica Brinson

Alright, 2 Corinthians 3. It talks a lot about the New Covenant. Well, what IS the New Covenant, was there an Old Covenant, and what does it have to do with freedom? Great questions, let's see if we can answer them.  

To understand the New Covenant, logically, we would need to understand the Old Covenant first, because, yes, there was an Old Covenant. If you remember back to the devotion on Galatians 5, there is mention of The Law. The Law is the Old Covenant. An easier way to understand it is salvation through works. There was a checklist (613 boxes to be exact) people needed to check off in order to reach their salvation. The New Covenant is, well, a NEW and improved Covenant that God made with his people. The Law eventually leads to condemnation because, as I said previously, it is impossible for us to live up to it. We are human, and therefore we are flawed.  

Whenever a person stumbled, a sacrifice had to be made by a priest. Thankfully (especially for all the animal lovers out there) sacrifices are no longer needed. Nor are priests. But why? Because Jesus paid the ultimate price with the sacrifice of His life. At that moment, He paid it all. Remember when I said we owed him a debt? That's the debt. He gave His perfect, flawless life for us to have the choice to follow Him. And with that sacrifice, the veil was torn from top to bottom, and priests were no longer needed. It allowed a direct line to God. Hebrews 4: 16 assures us that we can now approach His throne of grace with confidence. Priests, animal sacrifices, or anything of the like aren't needed. All that is needed is a humble, repentant heart.  

And that is how the Old Covenant is connected to freedom. It's more than us having a choice to follow Him, but that in Him, we are free of our transgressions, shortcomings, guilt, comparison, competition, pride, insecurities, and endless other emotional and psychological prisons. 


  • 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." And John 8:36 says, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." These verses remind me of the Hillsong song, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is Freedom." I encourage you all to listen to that song, meditate on its words and the scripture that inspired it, and pray that your heart's intent is always to become a more holy version of yourself, a version without chains holding you down.  

Family Application: Jesus is the New Covenant.  

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Have you ever heard the word "covenant"? A covenant is a promise or contract. This chapter will talk about a new covenant. You might be thinking, "If there is a new covenant, then there must be an old covenant." You are right. The Old Covenant was all about the laws God had given His people. The New Covenant is about Jesus’s death and resurrection.  
  • Here in scripture, it tells us that the New Covenant brings God even more glory than the Old Covenant. One way we can give God glory is by telling him He is really great. How have you seen God's greatness? 
  • Spend some time today telling God He is great by singing worship music. 
  • Prayer: God, You are Lord! Thank You for being a great God. God, we love You. Amen. 

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