Where is the wisdom? & Holy Week Family Devo: Last Supper

Where is the wisdom? & Holy Week Family Devo: Last Supper

Author: Cooper Herrington & KXP Team
Apr 13, 2022

Proverbs 3:21-26

Author: Cooper Herrington

What is the best advice you have ever heard? It may have been from a friend, a relative, a teacher, or a coach. For some, it may be easier to think about the worst advice you have ever been given. Yikes, you probably have a story or two if you actually followed that said bad advice. Regardless, for some reason, those recollections of good or bad advice have stuck with you. The book of Proverbs talks a lot about wisdom. It gives us an enormous number of principles to follow, and if we follow them, things will usually work out in our favor. Think of the book of Proverbs as the go-to of rules to live by and the other books found in the wisdom section of scripture, like Job and Ecclesiastes, as the exceptions to the rule.
In Proverbs 3:21, Solomon urges us to keep wisdom and understanding insight. He says if we can just keep our eyes on wisdom and understanding, then it is going to be life-giving. It just makes sense. I mean I usually feel better about life and myself when I make wise decisions. Then he says something that is probably going to sound amazing to so many of us. In verse 24, Solomon writes “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” I don’t know about you, but that sounds incredible! Being unafraid and able to sleep through the night? Having wisdom and understanding plus great sleep? Sign me up, please!

I love how the last verse we are studying today starts with, “For the Lord will be at your side.” Our God is personal. He wants to be by our side, so much so, that He lived among us. Jesus came to earth and lived with us. He gave his life, and now we have the gift of the Holy Spirit living inside of us.

To live a life of wisdom, we seek understanding, we are unafraid, we sleep soundly, and God is with us. It almost sounds too simple or too good to be true. You might need to be reminded that God is with you and that He will take care of you. Let go of the things that you have been holding onto that God never intended for you to hold onto. Ask God for wisdom in the situation. Remind yourself of the truths from His word. Tell God about your worries, ask Him to help you let go of them, and ask Him to help you trust Him to provide. Lean into biblical community. Then, breathe easy and rest.
It can be that simple. How we receive wisdom from God is through prayer, His Word, and His people. Prayer is a conversation with God where you talk and listen. We receive wisdom through His word by reading, studying, and reminding ourselves of the truth when lies are the loudest. We receive wisdom from God’s people when they point us back to God and His word. I love that this passage falls on a night where House Churches from the Gulf Coast to Laurel will meet. Being in a House Church is one of the best ways to gain wisdom from God’s people. Being a part of a multigenerational House Church family offers you the chance to talk to people much older and wiser than you, who have probably experienced something similar. If you would like to be a part of a House Church, make sure to go to venturechurch.org/housechurch.

1. Choose a verse from Proverbs to read, recite, and remember this week.
2. Start a prayer journal this week. Be sure to look back on past prayers to see how God answers you.


READ: Matthew 26:20-30

THE BACKSTORY: On the night Jesus was arrested, Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover by eating a special meal together. As they ate, Jesus told the disciples that one of their friends would betray Him. This surprised the disciples, and they wondered who it could be. Judas and Jesus both knew the truth; Judas would be the one to help Jesus’ enemies arrest Jesus. Jesus didn’t let this betrayal stop his time with his friends. As they were eating, Jesus prayed, broke the bread, and passed it to the disciples. The bread represented Jesus giving his body for us. Jesus then prayed over a cup and passed it to his disciples. The drink in the cup represented Jesus dying on the cross for us so that we could be forgiven and have a relationship with God forever. When we take the Lord’s Supper, we are remembering the Last Supper, and what Jesus did for us on the cross because of His love for us.

• Draw a picture of what you think the Passover meal may have looked like.
• Take some time to say thank you to Jesus for what He did on the cross.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace. You are always faithful, and we praise you! Help us to remember how much You love us and what Jesus did for us on the cross. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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