What are you living for that Jesus has died for?

What are you living for that Jesus has died for?

Author: Cooper Herrington
Aug 23, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Acts 17

What are you living for that Jesus has died for? 

Author: Cooper Herrington 

Is there something in life that you think you are really good at? It could be playing a sport, playing an instrument, crunching numbers like it’s no one’s business, or napping on the weekend. Whatever it is, we all have something God has gifted us to do. For the Apostle Paul, one of his skills was relating the gospel to a culture or knowing what to address in a culture so that he could ultimately talk about Jesus. 

In our reading today Paul is in Athens. Athens was a place that was consumed with worshipping idols. In Athens, the people went so far as to worship an “unknown god”. They worshiped an unknown god to make sure they had not missed any other god. Paul used the worship of idols and the unknown god to turn their world upside down and tell them about Jesus. Paul said the one true God could not be created by human hands or contained in a man-made structure. Today in America, we might not be bowing down to statues or going to the temple of Zeus but there are plenty of things fighting for our attention and worship. Worship can be as simple as telling God that He is great and that He alone is God. It can also be really easy to elevate something or someone else to that place of greatness and importance in our lives. Most of the time we would never come out and say this but it is reflected in the way we live. Look at your calendar and bank statement and it will quickly reveal what you value most. This displaced value often happens slowly and below the surface of our awareness. We have to stay alert to fight the drift. I don’t we always give our worship away to evil things, they just aren’t God. It could be worshiping a spouse, a child, or a job, but when that person or thing becomes ultimate, our worship is not going where it belongs. Worshipping anything but the Lord will leave you vastly disappointed.   

Slow down and create enough margin in your life so you can ask yourself,  "what are you living for that Jesus has died for?" Jesus went to the cross to pay the price for all of our sins once and for all. He defeated death so that we could have a life with Him forever. Enjoy life with God and don’t settle for a life of second-best worshipping, giving your all to something He created. 

Once you have spent time thinking through, writing about, or praying about it, bring others in and share what God has shown you. Talk to your community about what you are living for that Jesus died for and invite them to hold you accountable. One great place for this to happen is in House Church. Share a meal with your house church and talk through it. After everyone has had a chance to speak, take time to pray for each other. The freedom you can experience might just change your life. 


Prayer: Lord, what have you already died for that I am living for, basing my life and identity around? Father, help me rest in You and find my worth and identity in being Your son or daughter. Help me live life to the fullest by being with You, God. Amen.     

Family Application: I Can Be Bold! 

Author: Nichole McCardle 

  • Our Bible reading plan continues in Acts. Today, we are reading from Acts 17. Paul continues on his journey, telling as many people as he can about Jesus. He came across some people who listened, and some who did not. He did not let the ones who did not believe discourage him. He trusted God faithfully, and he boldly continued to tell anyone who would listen about God and His Son, Jesus. While in Athens, Paul came across people who were worshipping their own gods. He saw an altar with an inscription that said: “To An Unknown God”. Paul used this as an opportunity to tell them about the one and only true God. Read Acts 17:24-32. This passage shows us that our God is not an unknown god, but rather the Creator of the world, the Giver of life, the Ruler of the world, the Father to His children, who is not far from us and is a just Judge. Wow! What an amazing reminder that the God who created the whole world, that gives all life, created YOU and gave YOU life!  
  • Let's read Acts 17:24 again: “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.” So, if God does not live in a temple or a church, where does He live? Yes, He lives in heaven, but when you have a relationship with Jesus and have received salvation, then He also lives in YOU! Have you made the decision to follow Jesus and ask Him to live in you? 
  • Just like Paul, we can be bold and share the love of Jesus with everyone. One way to share the love of Jesus is to love like Jesus! Think of some ways that you can love like Jesus this week. Maybe play with a friend who looks lonely on the playground, help your dad take out the trash, give a hug to a friend who is sad, or remind your sibling how much you love them. 
  • Prayer: God, You are so amazing! Thank You for creating the world, creating me, and giving me life! God, help me to be bold like Paul and to love like Jesus! Amen. 

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