Watch Me Be Generous

Watch Me Be Generous

Author: Whit Stewart
Nov 15, 2022 | Matthew 6:1-4

When I think of these verses two things come to mind - humbleness and heart. I think Matthew 6:1-4 is about serving and doing for others, which we sometimes call ministry. What is the greatest command Jesus gave us in scripture? Mark 12:30-31 simply says, “’And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

I believe when we first start serving others through Jesus, we do it intentionally, humbly, and with the right heart. This makes me think back to high school, when a friend was trying to achieve as many scholarships as possible. The idea is that if I can perform and look great on paper, people will see me, and I’ll get what I deserve. I feel like the gospel is the complete opposite of that, and Jesus warns us about this in these verses.

Verse 1 says, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward for your Father.” This means caution, red alert, pay attention here! The word “righteousness” means to be in right standing with God. Our lives are a daily practice of this righteousness. “Sanctification,” the act of being set apart or becoming righteous, is something none of us can grasp without Jesus paying the penalty for our sins. I can’t count how many times I do something for others and in my mind had the thought – “That was a good thing.” Why? Why do you serve others? That’s what Jesus is asking here.

When I’m being generous to others, this scripture says to do it quietly, like a ninja. See to it that no one looks at you and raises you up on a pedestal even to the point of hiding it from your heart’s intentions. What I mean is, give and serve because you want to glorify God with what he’s given you, but don’t go pat yourself on the back after you did it. Give because your heart desires to glorify God through that gift. Later in this chapter of Matthew, Jesus says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Our treasure usually sets in motion our actions in life.

Our heart's intentions are important. Serve others humbly and intentionally. Give to others to glorify God, not to feel good about yourself or so others see your good deeds.

  • Meditate on your heart’s treasures. Is it God you desire or something else? Ask God to reveal to you your intentions.
  • Are you serving and giving regularly? God created you to love Him and to love others. It’s easy sometimes to love ourselves when our treasure is not God.
  • Prayer: God, I am grateful for Your love for me and for Your son, Jesus. I tend to be generous only so that others can see me as being generous. God, help me to seek and desire You above all other things.

Family Application: Matthew 6:1-4

Author: Cooper Herrington

Have you ever done something amazing? Maybe you scored the winning goal or got a one hundred on your test. What did you do, tell everyone about it? What if I told you Jesus calls us to live a little differently?

We are reading the book of Matthew, which is all about the life of Jesus. Jesus teaches us here that when we are generous or do something to help someone else not to tell the whole world about it. Jesus wants us to be generous, but he doesn’t want us to throw ourselves a parade after we are generous. When we celebrate ourselves for doing something good it takes the spotlight off of God, and it puts it on us.

  • How can you put the spotlight on God and not yourself when you are generous?
  • Prayer: Father, You are the best! You are worthy of all that we have. Help me put the spotlight on You and not me. I love You, God. Amen.

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