Watch and Learn

Watch and Learn

Author: Amy Fontenot
Dec 16, 2022 | 1 John 4:10-21

I cannot whistle – not a song, not a tune, not even a high-pitched squeak resembling the sound. I've had several people patiently try to teach me over the years, but I was never a patient enough student. After a few minutes, I would get frustrated and abandon their instructions. I would instead try my own technique, and it inevitably would end with me sputtering and blowing without any success.

Did someone ever teach you how to whistle, ride a bike, or tie your shoes as a child? To master the skill, your mentor had to be patient when demonstrating and repeating the right way to do the task so that you could copy their every step. The more knowledgeable and patient the teacher, the more likely you were able to perfect the skill. Not only is a good example important, but you had to listen and obey every instruction in order to do the thing right. If you ignored the teacher’s instructions, then chances are you had a very difficult time - like my attempts at whistling.

In 1 John 4, we see how God sets out to teach His children to love. This passage reminds us that we only have the ability to truly love because God first showed us true love. Love isn’t about how we feel; it’s what God revealed in Jesus’ life and death on the cross. And because God first loved us, His Holy Spirit continues to transform our hearts and minds from selfish to selfless.

What a patient teacher we have in our God! He demonstrated love by sending Jesus to atone for our sins. Jesus continued to live out an example of love and die for us as an example of love, and the Holy Spirit still works in us today, guiding us in love. When we stop listening to God’s commands and chose not to love, it’s a warning sign that we are not following Him. When we choose to do things our own way, we are saying no to God, and the results are never good. We can examine the fruits of our hearts today. Do you see love for your brother and sister? If not, pray that God would remind you of His perfect love.

  • Are you holding a grudge against someone? Pray for God to guide you in forgiveness and love toward that person.
  • Prayer: God, show me how to love like You. Continue to transform my heart and mind so that I can be more and more like You. Thank you for loving me when I didn’t deserve it. Amen.

Family Application: God Is Love

Author: Cody Smith

Have you ever wondered what is God? Take a moment and think about how you might answer that question. Maybe you would say God is our Heavenly Father. God is all-powerful. God is the creator of all things. God is the only God. All of those are true and great answers, but did you know the Bible also tells us in 1 John 4:10-21 that God is love? Whoa! Love is God’s nature so much so that he sent Jesus to save us from our sins. Something we could never do on our own. Verse 11 and 19 tell us that since God loved us even when we did not love him, we must love one another whether those we love (family, friends, or strangers) love us back.

We read in Genesis 1:26-28 that we are made in God’s image, meaning we were created to be like God. Since God is love, we were created to love as God loves. Sometimes that can be hard if others are mean to us. Luckily God has given us His Spirit that lives in us when we believe in Him to help us love one another no matter what.

  • What are some ways you can show love to others this week? Can you help cook a meal for supper, clean up the yard to make it look nice, or even pray for someone who is having a rough day?
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You so much for loving me when I don’t show love to You. Thank You for loving me even when I do something wrong. Help me to be more loving like You to others every single day.

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