Waiting on Jesus

Waiting on Jesus

Author: Amy Fontenot
Apr 19, 2022

Reading Plan:
John 20:19-30

Waiting on Jesus
Author: Amy Fontenot

In John 20:19-30, Jesus’ followers were hiding, afraid, and feeling hopeless in the aftermath of Jesus’ sudden, brutal death. Then Jesus suddenly appeared to them in a locked room. They rejoiced in the presence of their Risen Savior! They were transformed from terrified to triumphant! Jesus sent them out as His messengers and representatives to tell others the good news. But Jesus didn’t send them out alone; He first equipped them with the Holy Spirit.

These friends didn’t waste any time obeying Jesus’s Great Commission! These disciples were faithful to tell the good news to others, including their friend, Thomas! We’ve seen the Lord! Death couldn’t hold our Savior! But Thomas didn’t share their excitement. He was skeptical; he hadn’t seen this miracle first-hand like his friends. In fact, Thomas stated: “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” The disciples were obedient and eager to share the good news, but Thomas didn’t believe. What happens when you go and tell, but no one listens?

The disciples gave up, right? Moved on to someone with fewer questions, right? Jesus couldn’t be bothered with someone who didn’t immediately believe, right? NO! A week later the disciples were with their friend Thomas again. They had not given up on Thomas or shunned him; they continued to love Thomas and stay by his side. We don’t know exactly what happened that week, but we can see faithfulness in the disciples’ actions. Maybe they were waiting for an opportunity to share their story again, or maybe they had already shared their story about Jesus 100 times. And maybe they were beginning to feel discouraged that their friend wouldn’t trust and believe the best news ever.

Then Jesus appeared in the locked room again. When Jesus appeared to Thomas and the other disciples, Thomas’ doubts dissolved at that moment. Jesus loved Thomas and appeared to him because He wanted Thomas to believe! Jesus wants the same thing for us and our friends!

Doubting Thomas is not a story of Jesus’ shaming his disciple; it’s a testimony of the great commission, Jesus’ love for us, and His desire for us to believe. We were all once doubters, but praise God, others were faithful to share the gospel! It wasn’t the disciples’ job to force or shame Thomas into believing the Truth- it was their job to share the Truth, continue to show love to their friend through words and action, and trust the Holy Spirit to do the rest. John wrote the book of John so that others would come to know the life-changing story of what Jesus has done! That’s what we are called to do as believers in our day-to-day lives - obediently share our stories, show love to others, pray, and trust Jesus to reveal Himself to those far from Him. Not everyone will believe, but we are still called to go. Let’s remain faithful in our mission while we expectantly wait for Jesus to move.

Reflection & Response:

- Has there been a time in your life when you’ve doubted? How did God reveal Himself to you at the time?
- Write down the story of how Jesus revealed himself to you. Who can you share your story with this week?

Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: We can ask God our questions.

- The disciples had the best news ever and they started telling others about it. One person they talked to was Thomas. Thomas wasn’t sure if what the disciples were saying was true. Thomas asked a lot of questions. Thomas asked questions to the disciples and God.
- Thomas asked a lot of questions. Some of the questions he asked were hard questions. Even though Thomas asked some hard questions, God was not scared of the questions. - Our God is so big, so powerful, and so amazing that He is not afraid of the questions we have. We can ask God anything. What is something you want to ask God about?
- Sometimes we use our words to tell people about Jesus. Other times we can serve others to show the world, Jesus. What is one thing you can do to serve someone like Jesus? You might take out the trash for your parents or give someone an extra pencil in class.
- Prayer: God, you are powerful! Thank you for letting me have a conversation with you. I am really glad that I can ask you anything and you are not afraid. Thank you, Lord, for letting me serve You. God, help me tell the world about You by serving someone. Amen.

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