Trustworthy Sayings

Trustworthy Sayings

Author: Blake Houston
Jun 9, 2022

Reading Plan:
Titus 3

Trustworthy Sayings
Author: Blake Houston

Day 4 on our journey of Hope, and I’ve got to tell you, today’s reading opened my eyes in a way they haven’t been opened in a very, very long time.

It all started with four words: “The saying is trustworthy…” (v8)

Paul had just finished writing out the entirety of the Gospel to Titus. He had given him the words of Living Hope, and he reminded Titus that everything he just finished writing is worthy to be trusted.

It’s here, in these four words, that the Holy Spirit convicted me. How often do I confuse MY faith with THE faith? I mean, what’s the difference, anyway?

Thanks for asking.

Our faith is the quality of our belief. The Faith is the substance of what we are believing. Hebrews 11:1 puts it this way:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Faith is the substance. It is the reality. Our faith is our confidence in THE Faith, which is the tangible reality.

This is an important distinction. How many times do we go from putting our Living Hope in THE FAITH to putting it in our own faith? We can so easily shift our hope on the Word of God to a subjective reality based on our circumstances and experiences. If things are going well, then “our faith” rides high. If things aren’t going so well, then “our faith” suffers. Feelings get intermingled with our faith, which in turn becomes a recipe for disaster.

So then, what is it that we need?

We need to remember that our hope does not come from our “faith” (which can actually be our feelings), but in THE FAITH.

And that’s where the “trustworthy sayings” come into play.

We must take time every single day to commit these sayings to our hearts and minds. When we do, our anchor is tethered to a Word that is unshakeable and firm, no matter what life or the Enemy may throw at us.

Here are some “trustworthy sayings” to get you started:

If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has gone. BEHOLD, the new has come!

I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


  • Are you trusting in your faith or THE Faith? What is the difference?
  • What are you doing to cement the “trustworthy sayings” into your heart and mind? What tools/rhythms can you use to help continue this?
  • Prayer: Lord, thank You for the Faith that has been handed down through the centuries by the saints. Thank You that the substance of Faith is unchangeable, immovable, and unconquerable. What a hope we have in You! Help me to mind the trustworthy sayings that are found in Your Word each and every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Family Application: We may be imperfect, but God is perfect!
Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Day 4 on our journey of Hope, and I am so happy about today. Today we are reading from the book of Titus. The apostle Paul wrote this book. This is a letter that Paul wrote to a Pastor named Titus.
  • God is so amazing that even though we are not perfect God loved us. He knows us and sees how imperfect we are, and still, He chooses to love us. What do you think about when you know that we can't do anything to make God love us, but He loves us anyway.
  • When people are having an uncomfortable day and nothing is going their way, this can be a great time to remind people that they don’t have to be perfect because God is perfect. The next time you see someone having a tough day, remind them that they can have hope because God loves them.
  • Prayer: God, You are amazing! Thank You for giving us the gift of hope. I am so glad I get to tell the world about the love and hope You have given me. Help me to show the world love like You have shown me love. Amen.

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