True Wealth

True Wealth

Author: Ben Wade
Nov 23, 2022 | James 1:9-11

The Lord has been teaching me over the past several months just how counterintuitive following in the way of Jesus is compared to following the ways of this world. To some that might sound obvious, but for too many of us who grew up in the “Bible Belt,” this reality can be a bit disorienting, especially if you grew up in church all of your life. I’m really grateful for our church, as our Bible Reading Plan and monthly message series have played a big part in this journey and process. It is so cool to see how God continually weaves His truths for us together to ultimately lead us back to Him.

Today’s passage from the book of James is no different. It flies in the face of what we see in our culture. You see, we have grown up in a culture and society that holds affluence and social and financial status in high esteem. This worldly value system wants us to connect our dignity or sense of being worthy of honor and respect to our bank account, as if our bank account and assets determine our worth. Once again, subscribing to this mindset is not following in the way of Jesus. Read what James has to say one more time in James 1:9-11.

You see, in our culture, we are often categorized by our social standing, which is an indicator of our financial standing. In so many of our circles, we appear to have things in common based on the social circles that we can afford to run in. But, Jesus is so cool. Stay with me. If you’re poor, be glad that riches mean nothing to God. And, if you’re rich, be glad that money means nothing to God because money is easily lost. Here is the commonality – all believers, rich or poor, share the distinction and commonality of being changed by the gospel and being charged with the mission of taking that same good news to the rest of the world!

Whatever our social or economic status, James challenges us to see beyond our situation to our eternal advantage. What we can have in Jesus Christ outweighs anything in this life. Knowing Him gives us our high position, where we find our true dignity, our true value, and worth!

What we have in our hearts, not our bank account, matters to God. True wealth is found in developing our spiritual life.

  • If wealth, power, and status mean nothing to God, why do we attribute so much importance to them and so much honor to those who possess them?
  • Do your material possessions give you goals and your only reason for living? If they were gone what would be left?

Family Application: James 1:9-11

  • Read James 1:9-11 aloud as a family.
  • We find true wealth by developing our spiritual life, not by accumulating possessions. What we have in our hearts, not our bank account matters to God. What is the main pursuit of your family?
  • Pray Together as a Family: Dear God, help us to pursue You and Your Kingdom above all else. Amen.

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