True Contentment

True Contentment

Author: Brandy Stewart
Apr 1, 2022

Reading Plan: Philippians 4:10-20

True Contentment

Author: Brandy Stewart

I don’t know why I’m always surprised to find one specific common word that flows throughout a week of these Bible readings, but I am. It’s crazy to me how many times I’ve written or thought about the word “contentment” this week. It should come as no surprise to you that we’re going to end the week by learning about true contentment from Paul.

I will be shocked if many of you haven’t at least read one verse from Philippians chapter 4 in your life. This chapter contains one of the most quoted verses – Philippians 4:13. The funny thing is that we so rarely focus on the verses before it, and they’re really important for context!

How much do you know about Paul’s life? He was threatened, beaten, stoned, and arrested. So when Paul said he could do all things while also being content, he wasn’t just referring to when things were going his way. He also wasn’t referring to just the big life milestones. "All" means every single thing. The little mundane things that begin to feel overwhelming? You can make it through those if you’ll lean on Jesus.

How could we possibly still have joy and contentment when things feel like they’re going horribly wrong? Focus on one keyword in that sentence: feels. Our feelings aren’t always telling us the truth, and our feelings are usually dictated by our thoughts. If we go back a few verses to Philippians 4:8, we are instructed to think about things that are true. How do we know what is true? You have to weigh your thoughts against the truths in scripture. What does God say about your specific thought? How does He view you as His child? You can also determine what evidence you have to support the thoughts in your mind. Make an actual list of facts! If you have no real evidence in your life or scripture to support your thought, you can confidently dismiss it as a lie, and move on! Once you’ve done the hard work of proving or disproving your thoughts, you will then begin to see a change in how you feel.

I know all of this is easier said than done. It takes practice! This whole week has been focused on ridding ourselves of temptations and finding contentment in where God has us. He promised that He won’t leave us alone in this, but it still requires work on our part. Part of not being left alone in our struggles is also allowing ourselves to be known in community. If you aren’t part of a serving team or a House Church, I cannot encourage you enough to get connected! This is all a lot to consider. What has God revealed to you this week about contentment and removing temptations? What next step do you need to take today?

Reflection & Response:

  • Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for teaching me about contentment this week. Thank you for the truth, accountability, and correction You've provided me in my biblical community. I don't want to sit idle and do nothing with what you've revealed to me. Open my eyes to your plans, and help me understand my purpose in Your plan. Amen.
  • If serving at Venture Church is your next step, check out Serve 101 to find out how to partner with Venture Church and make an impact through serving.
  • Are you looking for an opportunity to show love and share truth with your neighbors? Mark your calendars for Love Your Neighbor on April 3rd-9th! Love Your Neighbor is another awesome opportunity to serve others alongside your church family. Sign up for LYN campus projects today on our LYN webpage to make an impact in your community!  


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: No Matter what I can trust God.

  • Today’s reading has one of the most famous verses in the Bible. Paul says all things are possible with God. We cannot do anything good without God. With God in our lives, He makes the impossible possible.
  • Our God is so big and so powerful. He can do anything. God lets us be a part of His plan and serve Him. How does it make you feel that God lets us serve Him?
  • How can you join God’s plan and mission to serve the world? Who is one person you can serve this week?
  • Prayer: God, you are so big and powerful! Thank you, Lord, for letting me serve you. Father, show me someone that I can love this week. Amen.

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