Tripping Over the Truth

Tripping Over the Truth

Author: Angie Gates
May 16, 2022

Reading Plan:
Matthew 12:46-49

Tripping Over the Truth
Author: Angie Gates

I have always been in awe of Jesus and the questions He asks throughout Scripture. If you study the heart behind His questions, you will always find a deeper truth that He wants us to know! I read a book once that talked about the power of “tripping over the truth.” The concept was that it is way more effective to stumble upon truth for ourselves rather than being lectured about what is true. Questions are a great way to lead someone to trip over their truth. In Matthew 12:47, we see someone tell Jesus as He is teaching that His mother and brothers wanted to talk to Him. Jesus responds by asking the question, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” He wasn’t leading the people to identify his actual mother and brothers; instead, He wanted them to trip over a deeper truth. This deeper truth is revealed in verse 50, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Let’s take a moment to trip over our own truth by asking a few questions of our own in light of this statement. What does it mean for me to do the will of my Father? Romans 12:2 is one of the best guides to answering this question. It simply states that when we stop conforming to the patterns of this world and begin renewing our minds with the truth of His Word, we begin to be transformed and are able to find God’s perfect will for our lives. God promises that His will is good and pleasing. So, rest in the fact that when we are actively trying to obey God’s plan and design, we are family to Him!

What does it mean to be considered part of the family of Jesus? Think about your own family for a moment. As I think about my family, the one thing that comes to mind is the immense love I have for them. There is absolutely nothing I wouldn’t do for my family. The love we have for our family is shown through our actions. Now consider Jesus in light of this. He has such an immense love for us, and He proved there is absolutely nothing He wouldn’t do for us through His sacrificial death on a cross. I can’t think of a greater way for Jesus to show us the meaning of being considered part of His family! Now the only question to consider is, “What choices will we make today that will reflect that we are His family?”

Reflection & Response:

  • Think about the ways you show your family how much you love them. Do you extend those same actions toward Jesus?
  • What are some ways that you can stop conforming to the patterns of this world?
    Spend some time asking God what recurring thoughts need to be renewed by His Word and His truth.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Doing the Will of God the Father

  • Jesus is teaching a crowd of people. Suddenly, someone tells Him that His mother and brothers are waiting for Him. Jesus uses that interruption to teach the people in the crowd something.
  • Jesus says whoever does the will of God is with Him. You might be wondering how you can do the will of God. The good news is that the Bible shows us how we can do the will of God. When we spend time reading the Bible, it shows us how to live for God. How has your time in the Bible been? What have you learned?
  • A part of doing the will of God is loving Him with everything in us and loving the people around us as Jesus loves us. Spend time listening to worship music that helps you love Jesus more.
  • Prayer: God, you are so good! Thank you for showing me how to do your will through your Word! God, help me to be wise. Amen.

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