Transforming the Masses

Transforming the Masses

Author: Amy Stampley
May 31, 2023 | Acts 19

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

Do you ever feel like when it rains, it pours? Like one particular event often sets off a whole other chain of events? I suspect this was how this particular period of time felt for Paul. Chapter 19 is super busy but ultimately productive!

As Paul stopped for a bit to minister in Ephesus, his stop was filled with more than teaching and baptizing. Paul spent time healing the sick, dealing with Jewish exorcists, and narrowly escaping the hands of an angry mob. His influence through teaching the truth caused many engaged in the works of magic to burn their books and turn from those ways, apparently such a significant number of them that the cost of the burned books was the equivalent of 50,000 days’ worth of wages. One of the most revelatory moments, however, was when the people realized that healing power only comes through the hands of a person filled with the Holy Spirit living within.

People wanted to gain power from the Word so they tried what they saw Paul doing. As the seven sons of Sceva tried to use the name of the Lord (without the Holy Spirit living within them) to drive out the evil spirits on their own, the evil spirit told them, “Jesus, I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” The man filled with the evil spirit then jumped on them and overpowered them with such violence that they ran away naked and wounded.

This Chapter really shows just how much God was doing through Paul’s teaching. When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched Paul’s skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled (v. 12).

As for the angry mob, the riot came about in response to Paul’s exclaiming that the gods made by human hands are not gods at all. It was by no coincidence that Demetrius, the Silversmith, called together a gathering inciting anger about this proclamation about false gods, and especially about the statue of the goddess Artemis who was worshiped throughout the region. Paul’s proclamation about false gods threatened the pocketbooks of the local silversmiths who gained wealth by creating likenesses of the goddess Artemis for those who visited the temple. Misery loves company and theologians say that many did not even know why they were rioting, they just fell into that mob mentality of like company.

Whew, Paul was really on the move and intentional with sharing the Word. His teaching was transforming the masses and making followers in his wake.

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • How much heat are you willing to take by sharing the Word with fellow naysayers? Being bold for Christ and testifying of his truths is not for the weak. When God places someone in your path or on your mind, are you intentional with responding? In the next few chapters, we will see just how far Paul is willing to go as a witness. Will you resolve yourself to be more like Paul in your witness?
  • Prayer: Dear God, we can learn so much through Paul. Seeing his transformation is a great example of the changes that can be made when we turn from our evil ways and choose to follow You. Help us to see those who you place in our paths in the coming weeks. Give us courage like Paul to testify of your love and grace. Amen.

Family Devo: Acts 19

By: Tina Bryant

At the beginning of Acts 19, Paul is sharing with believers about baptism. He asks them what baptism they received. These believers share that they had received John’s baptism. In verse four, Paul explains that John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance and that John told the people to believe in the one coming after him, Jesus. Then all those people were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus!

Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? Have you been baptized? If you have asked Jesus to be the King of your life, but you haven’t been baptized yet, why not? This is a good time to talk to your mom and dad about the next step in following Jesus, which is to obey through baptism! Maybe you aren’t sure exactly what baptism means, or maybe you have other questions. You can ask your KXP Leaders for a book that tells you all about Baptism and what it means!

  • Pray: God, thank you for my family that cares so much about me to tell me about baptism. Help me to understand why this is an important step to take as a follower of Jesus and help me lead by example in obedience through baptism.

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