Why is this happening to me?

Why is this happening to me?

Author: Angie Gates
Mar 3, 2022

Author: Angie Gates

Reading Plan: Genesis 25

Have you ever thought about how valuable questions are? I’m sure we all remember as a kid asking the famous questions of “Are we there yet?” and “Why?” Maybe you are now at a stage of life where you find yourself answering those same questions for the little ones in your life. Either way, the value of asking questions seems to get lost over time. We grow up and start believing all sorts of lies, like asking certain questions will make us look weak or look like a fool. I once read, “If you don’t have the answers you need, you should ask the questions that you have.” Asking questions keeps us in a learning mode rather than a judgment mode, but the most important part comes from asking yourself this ... WHO are you taking your questions to?

Life is hard and full of unexpected circumstances and situations that often leave us asking questions like, “Why is this happening?” Have you ever found yourself asking that question before? There is nothing wrong with asking this question. In fact, the Harvard Business Review will tell you this, “Asking questions holds the power to discovering new information, strengthening our trust, and is ultimately the wellspring of wonder, curiosity, and the capacity to delight.” Let’s think about these things in regards to what we read in Genesis chapter 25 when Rebekah is found asking the same question that we all wrestle with at times. In verse 22 we find Rebekah experiencing things with her pregnancy that she didn’t understand. She cries out, “Why is this happening to me?” The very next sentence tells us, “So she went to inquire of the Lord.” Rebekah sets such a clear and simple example for each of us when we are wondering why things are happening in unexpected ways. Her first and only action was to actively turn to the Lord for her answers. Can we honestly say that is our first reaction? If I am honest, I would say that the majority of the time when I am hurting or have tough questions, I first turn to my husband, family, or a close trusted friend. Then, I eventually take it to God in prayer. Rebekah never hesitates. She knows where her answers and the only source of hope is truly found.
If I trace back the times when I took my questions to God, I can clearly attest to the credibility of what the Harvard Business Review says about the power of our questions. God was absolutely faithful in answering me. He helped me discover new information about Him. He strengthened my trust in who He was and still is. And, His answers always resulted in a renewed spirit of wonder and curiosity and a deeper capacity to delight His marvelous ways.

There is so much power to be found in asking questions when we ask the right person. So, I guess the real question to ask ourselves today is not found in the why, but in the WHO? If we aren’t careful, we can allow our lack of understanding to pull us away from the One who can pull us through. If we are willing to follow Rebekah’s example and direct our inquiries to the Lord when we don’t understand, we will be sure to find the fullness of all that truly matters.

Reflection & Response:
  • Think back on a time in your life when you asked God a question and He answered in a completely different way than you expected. Can you see the bigger picture now? Thank Him today for His providence and sovereignty in your life.
  • What question are you wrestling with during this season that you need to submit to the Lord?
  • Ask God to teach you new things about Him that will strengthen your trust in Him and renew and increase your wonder, curiosity, and capacity to delight in Him today!

Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: God wants to have a conversation with you!
  • In today's Bible Reading Plan, a woman named Rebekah is having a really tough time. She doesn’t know what to do or why things are happening the way they are. Rebekah turned to God and had a conversation with Him. She went to God for guidance and asked Him all of her questions.
  • It is natural to have questions. No person knows everything. We all have questions. The best thing we can do is to ask our questions to God and have a conversation with Him. God wants to have a conversation with you. The next time that you do not know what to do or you don't understand, have a conversation with God and read your Bible.
  • When we talk about God to others, they might have lots of questions. It is okay to not know all the answers to people’s questions. If they ask you something you don’t know just say, "That is a great question, I do not know the answer, but let me see if I can find it and tell you later."
  • Prayer: Father, thank you for letting us have a conversation with you. Lord, you alone know everything. You are so wise. You always know what to do. God, help me have a conversation with you when I do not know what to do or when I do not understand something. God, we love you so much help me love you even more. Amen.

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