To the Ends of the Earth

To the Ends of the Earth

Author: Kyle Warren
Jun 2, 2022

Reading Plan:
Acts 1:1-11

To the Ends of the Earth
Author: Kyle Warren

The Book of Acts, traditionally titled The Acts of The Apostles, really serves as part two of Luke’s Gospel. That is why the first line reads, “In the FIRST BOOK I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach.” The “first book” he is referring to is what we now call The Gospel of Luke. The writer of these letters, Luke, understood that the work of Jesus did not stop with the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Son of God had always been pointing to something more, a work far beyond the imagination of His followers. Look back at that opening line again. “In the first book, I have dealt with all that Jesus BEGAN to do and teach.” The work had just begun and now it was time for the next part of God’s redemptive plan to launch.

What is truly amazing (terrifying might be a better word) is that God’s rescue plan for the world always involved a bunch of messed-up people like you and me. Jesus went so far as to tell His twelve disciples that if they didn’t give up, they would do even greater things than He did on earth (John 14:12)! These were fishermen, doubters, traitors, uneducated, untrained, ordinary men. Greater things than the Son of God? There is no way. They couldn’t understand what we have the privilege to look back and see - that Jesus’ work in and through them had only just begun.

Acts shows us the most mind-blowing work of Jesus Christ. He empowers these ordinary followers and ordinary people, like you and me, to carry on His work of eternal rescue through the Church.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Don’t miss it. You are a part of God’s eternal rescue plan for His creation around the world. The fact that you are reading this today is proof that His plan is working. You are in the “ends of the earth” that Jesus was telling His disciples about, and His work through them has reached you. Now it is your turn to carry the work forward. Don’t worry, though, you are not in this alone. We move forward together as the Church, as one body and empowered by Him. This isn’t a work of our own doing so no one has a right to boast or brag. This is the work of God’s Spirit in and through you.

A movement that started with a small group of ordinary followers in the Middle East over two centuries ago is still changing lives around the world today. You and I get to be a part of that movement called the Church.


  • How can your gifts and abilities be used to make a difference in someone’s life? Are you using your abilities to invest in God’s mission?
    If you would like to know more about how you can serve as a part of Venture Church, check out Serve 101.

Family Application: God chose us to reach the world!
Author: Cooper Herrington

  • I am so excited to read the Bible with you today! We are reading the book of Acts today. Acts is in the New Testament and is all about the start of the church. The first people to be a part of God’s church were just ordinary people like me and you. They were not superheroes with superpowers; they were ordinary people that God wanted to use.
  • God’s plan for growing the church and for His kingdom is to use us to spread the word about God and how great He is. God didn’t need us to do this, but He choose to let us be a part of bringing every person to Him. God wants to use you! That is amazing!
  • We all get to be a part of God's plan. Who is someone you know who you could tell about God, how great He is, or how much He loves them? You could even invite them to come to church with you!
  • Prayer: God, You are so amazing! Thank You for choosing and helping me reach people! God, help me invite people to church with me and tell them about You, God. Amen.

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