Three Truths

Three Truths

Author: Kyle Warren
May 6, 2022

Reading Plan:

Hebrews 13:1-8

Three Truths
Author: Kyle Warren

Love the church.

Be kind to your neighbor.

Care for those who hurt.

Be faithful to your spouse.

Don't fall into the trap of greed.

As the writer of Hebrews begins to wrap us his letter to believers living out their faith in the midst of difficulties, it kind of feels like he reaches into a bag of Christian commands and throws a bunch of stuff against the wall. Chapter 13 reads like an "Oh yeah, and don't forget this..." kind of list.

While it may feel like a lot of randomness happening in one paragraph, I believe it is written with intentionality. By themselves, each one of these commands is obviously a very good thing and can keep us away from destructive habits and temptations. Collectively, however, we begin to see a picture being painted of how we interact with the world around us.

Through this list of one-liners, the author of this letter is addressing our external relationships - those who we come in contact with and interact with as we go about life. Remember, the original audience of this letter was not experiencing the easiest life. They were facing persecution, difficulties, trouble, and pain on a daily basis. This letter, however, isn't just an encouragement to hold on, it's a call to do good. No matter what is going on around us, we have the opportunity to have a positive impact for the Kingdom of God. Those opportunities come through a variety of relationships, and most often through our closest relationships like our family. How our lives intersect with the lives of others is a constant chance to reflect God's goodness to a world that desperately needs it.

Take a minute and reread Hebrews 13:1-8, but this time, look specifically for the truths of God. In three separate verses, the author gives us a promise of God that is directly connected to how we engage with the world around us no matter what kind of circumstance we might be facing.

Hebrews 13:5 - We are content because God is present.

Hebrews 13:6 - We are confident because God is faithful.

Hebrews 13:8 - We are certain because God is consistent.

Our ability to reflect God's goodness to the people closest to us begins with understanding God's relationship with us.

Reflection & Response:
• How can the truths of God in Hebrews 13 affect the relationships closest to you?

• Read Hebrews 13:8. What has God done for you in the past that gives you confidence for the future?


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: God's Truths

• Hebrews 13 teaches us more ways to live a life that is pleasing to God, which can be shown through the way we treat others. We learn that God wants us to be loving, kind, caring, faithful, and thankful. In three separate verses, the author gives us a promise of God that is directly connected to how we act, no matter what hard things we may be experiencing. We learn to be thankful because God is always there with us; we learn to be brave because God is faithful; and we learn to be certain because God will never change.

• Do you ever feel lonely? Feeling lonely can be scary and sad. Hebrews 13:5 reminds us that God promises to never leave us. So, any time you are feeling alone, just remember that God is always with you, and He loves you!

• Think of the name of one of your friends. This week, tell that friend that God will never change, and that He will love them forever no matter what!

• Prayer: God, you are wonderful! Thank you for never changing! Thank you for loving me forever and ever! God, help me to remember the truths of the Bible when I am feeling upset, afraid, or sad. Amen.

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