This Little Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine

Author: Amy Stamply
Oct 27, 2022 | Luke 11:33-36

Reading this scripture reminded me of a visit I enjoyed recently with my grandkids. Just as they were getting their shoes on to spend some time outside on the trampoline, it began to rain. In just a few short minutes, the rain was heavy, and the sky grew dark. As their eyes began to well up with tears and their smiles quickly turned upside down, I swooped in to suggest we use that new, small light their Daddy had brought home from work to sneak away to the dark and tell stories with each other. This little light quickly became an object that facilitated hours of play for us on that messy, rainy day.

Maybe you can relate…Sometimes in our lives, rainy days and dark skies creep in and overshadow our hearts as we have planned for something particularly better. Maybe it’s the disappointment of a canceled trip, a scary, unexpected diagnosis, or some other interruption in what seemed to be a life moving along at a seemingly comfortable pace. When this happens, it is so easy for the enemy to quickly swoop in and divert all of our attention to the what if’s and might be’s… rather than to focus on the Father who gives us hope. There is so much darkness that fills this dark and evil world, let your light shine so brightly for Jesus that others may see and want what it is that you have!

When we come to know Jesus as our personal Savior, we are filled with a light on the inside. This light drives out any darkness that was previously within. Jesus wants us to be the light to a world full of darkness. In the Bible, light is symbolic of holiness, goodness, and knowledge whereas darkness is used to describe evil and sin. When we allow the light of God’s word to shine in and through us, others tend to want what we have. Won’t you let your light shine for Him? He wants us to let our light shine so brightly that others may see!

  • Ask God to help you examine your heart to see what things are causing your light to be dimmed.
  • What ways can you let your light shine so others may see this week?
  • Look for all the places that are dark in the world around you. Brainstorm ways that you can make a difference. Maybe this looks like spending extra time sharing the Word with your family. Maybe it is being intentional with spending time with your children away from the pull of technology. Perhaps it is through serving others at church or in your community.
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for replacing the darkness inside of us with Your light. Lord, help us to always find ways to let our light shine for Your glory. Let our light shine so that others may come to know the freedom from darkness found in a true relationship with You. Help us to project holiness and goodness in a world drowning in sin. Amen.

Family Content: Hang Your Lamp on the Lampstand

Author: Stephanie Hammontree

Reading: Luke 11:33-36

  • Jesus speaks of our eye being dark. Gather your family and put on blindfolds. What do you see? How does it feel to be in darkness? Walk around (carefully!) and see how it feels to navigate the room in darkness. Afterwards, ask how it felt to not know where to step next. Did anyone want to ask for help?
  • Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for being there for us and for having our backs! Thank You for being our Light in the darkness in life. Help us to be a light for others who are looking for You! We love You, Jesus! Amen.

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