The Wisdom of God

The Wisdom of God

Author: Brandy Stewart
Jul 25, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Psalms 90:12 


The Wisdom of God 

Author: Brandy Stewart 

When I first read this verse, my mind went immediately to my children. Any time I read about wisdom, I am automatically reminded of my daughter, Sophia. I vividly remember sitting in a New Testament class, hearing my professor talk about how Sophia meant “the wisdom of God” in Greek, and thinking about how beautiful that was. I texted my husband and told him I knew exactly what I wanted to name any future daughter we might have. Kids weren’t even on the table yet - I just already knew! Names felt really important because that’s one of the first ways we set our children on a path. I wanted any daughter we had to seek after the wisdom of God rather than the world. That has been and will be our prayer over her for her whole life.  

Speaking of her whole life, I’ve also been reminded a lot of how little time we get with our children. A friend recently mentioned that her family only had three more summers with her daughter before she goes to college. That hit me hard. I have more than three summers until Sophia graduates high school, but I also know that all those years will pass in a breath.  

That’s why this one little verse in Psalm 90 has had my mind spinning for days now! I’ve been speaking specifically about a parent/child relationship to this point. It hit me that if I feel this way for my children, how much more does God want this for me and you? We are His children, and He wants us to walk in wisdom and to remember that we’ve only been given a set number of days. We don’t know what that number will be for each of us, so we should be living each new day as the gift that it is.   

Where do you need a little more wisdom in your life? Do you feel like you’ve been wasting your days on things that do not matter? Let this be a challenge for you to change whatever patterns you’ve been stuck in recently. Reach out to the family or friends who you’ve felt afraid to tell about Jesus. Invite them to church. Start a time of devotion with a friend. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Your days are numbered. Begin walking in wisdom today.   


  • What challenges do you need wisdom to navigate today? 
  • Reach out to the family or friends who need to hear about Jesus. Invite them to study the daily devos with you or invite them to church this Sunday.  

  Family Application: Make the most of your time  

Author: Jana Whittington 

  • Today we are reading a passage from the book of Psalms, and it was written by someone I bet you have heard of. His name is Moses. Moses had a pretty eventful life! But today we are going to discuss a prayer where Moses asks God to teach us to number our days. Why? Because our lives are actually very short! Let’s read this verse. Psalms 90:12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” 
  • Number our days. What do you think that means? It means we should all use our time wisely. We only get ONE life and we only get ONE today! Moses lived to be 120 years old! That sounds like a long time, but I bet he thought it went by super fast! Realizing that life is short helps us use the time we have more wisely. And time is a gift from God!  
  • Sometimes a day or a week may feel like it drags on forever, and other days may seem to fly by! God wants us to be intentional about how we spend our time. How do you spend your days? Are you making time for your family? Are you making time to talk to God and grow in your relationship with Him?  
  • Our time on earth is limited. We are to use it wisely, not living for the moment, but with our eternal home in mind. 
  • Prayer: God, thank You for the gift of time! Help me to use my time wisely and in a way that glorifies You and brings me closer to You! We want our days to really count! We love You so much! In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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