The Two Sons

The Two Sons

Author: Kyle Warren
Oct 13, 2022 | Matthew 21:28-32

If you had to choose, would you rather never hear the words “I love you” or never feel loved by someone?

It’s nice to hear someone tell you that they love you. Those words, however, mean very little when they are paired with belittlement or neglect. You can tell your kids that they mean the world to you, but are they getting the same message from the way you spend your time? If you say that you care about me, I’m probably going to assume that you are telling the truth. But if you say that you care about me while sitting with me in my despair, I will know with certainty that your words are real.

Actions speak louder than words. We understand that truth in our earthly relationships, but the truth remains when it comes to our relationship with our Heavenly Father. In Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus tells us a story about two sons, one with the right words and another with the right actions. One son talked the talk, but the other walked the walk. In the end, it was the son who acted in faith that received praise for obeying his father.

This is a parable about more than words under the surface, we see there is a deeper lesson here on change.

The Jewish religious leaders said they believed in God, but when confronted with the opportunity to exercise their faith in obedience, they chose comfort over correction. In contrast, the outcasts of that day, the tax collectors and prostitutes, changed course and chose the way of Jesus. With that course correction, they are given the promise of the Kingdom of God.

At Venture Church, one of our Core Values is that we celebrate change. In Luke 15:7, Jesus tells us that all of Heaven celebrates when one sinner repents (changes). If there is a change you need in life, don’t just say it. Do it! It’s never too late to change, but there will never be a time as good as right now.

  • If you told someone at work that you were a follower of Jesus, would they believe you based on your actions? Do you ever find yourself not wanting to talk about church because you know people would be surprised to find out that you went? What changes do you need to make for others to not only hear but also see your faith?

Family Application: Parable of Two Sons

Author: Amy Stampley

      • In this parable, Jesus is teaching us that if we tell someone that we will do something to help them, we should always follow through. It’s a big deal to God that we keep our word! In this story, the father asks his sons for help. The first son said he would not help, but then felt bad about it and came back to help. The second son agreed to do the work and then did not show up to follow through on his promise. God wants us to know that our actions need to back up our words.
      • If we tell someone that we will help them, then they are counting on that help. Making promises or commitments that we do not keep is a bad practice. Jesus, Himself, like these two men, was also a Son who made a promise. He promised to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Thankfully for each of us, He followed through and did just that.
      • What promises have you made to someone that you failed to follow through on? Have your parents asked you to do a chore, and then you forgot to do it? Be intentional in following through on the promises that you make this week. Be reliable and keep your word to others just as Jesus keeps His word to us.
      • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for showing us how to keep our promises by sending Your Son to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Help us to remember that giving someone our word should be followed up by action. Most of all, Lord, help us to keep our word to You. Amen

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