The Storm

The Storm

Author: Raley Millet
Sep 6, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Acts 27

The Storm

Author: Raley Millet 

Storms are an inevitable part of life. Whether they are literal, spiritual, physical, or mental, there is no doubt that all of us are going through a storm, coming out of a storm, or will be in a storm someday. Even God's Word gives us the account of a massive storm that Paul had to go through. Let's read Acts 27 together!  

Paul and several other prisoners have boarded a ship and are making their way to Rome in order to stand trial, and their trip is already not quite going as planned. Then, in verse 14, they encounter a terrifying storm.  

Take a moment to read verses 14 - 20. 

So get this, not only has this giant storm taken hold of the ship and made it virtually impossible to pilot, but it has also blocked out the sun and the stars, preventing anyone onboard from using these celestial bodies to navigate the ship and regain their bearings. They are totally lost. Totally out of control. Probably totally terrified. How many times do we feel this way - completely battered and overtaken by the storms of life? But we can have courage, because when there is nothing else to cling to, God’s promises remain. 

In verse 22, Paul begins to speak and declares, “Now I urge you to keep your courage, because not one of you will be lost, only the ship will be destroyed. Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You will stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ So keep your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he has told me. Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island.” 

This passage brought me to three different realizations: 

1. God’s promise will always prevail through the storm. I love that Paul clings to his trust in God and finds courage through faith while the storm is raging and chaos is breaking out. So many times, we put our focus on the shipwreck happening around us instead of on our Savior, keeping us from truly trusting God’s sovereignty and depriving us of our sense of peace and purpose when things don't go the way we plan. 

2. Sometimes in a storm, we need to let go. In verses 18-20, we see everyone on the ship throwing cargo overboard as the storm picks up. This is a tactic used by sailors in tumultuous circumstances. By jettisoning cargo, the ship can find stabilization, avoid sinking, and move more efficiently through the storm. The storms in our lives present great opportunities to ask God to show us some things we might need to let go of that are pushing us off course - a sin problem, an addiction, an unhealthy relationship, an unsustainable pace of life, a detrimental mindset.  

3. God has a purpose behind the shipwreck. When they finally escape the storm, Paul and the other passengers crash on the island of Malta (Acts 28). Being on this island was not a part of their original plan, but God uses it for His glory. During their time on this island, Paul heals a man of suffering and illness, leading to the rest of the sick on the island coming to Paul and being cured in the name of God. God’s power and presence are made known to a whole new group of people. God doesn’t thwart certain shipwrecks in our lives because in doing so, He would be thwarting His glory. The shipwrecks we go through present us with powerful opportunities to share with others the Gospel and a personal testimony of who God is. 


  • When you are going through a storm, what are some promises from scripture that you can cling to for courage/hope? 

Family Content: 7 Marks of Discipleship 

This week’s family content will look a little different. We’ll be recapping and practicing some of the 7 Marks of Discipleship as a family. Take time each day to read the Bible Reading Plan and complete the daily challenge as a family. Regular family content will return in two weeks. If you would like to be a part of the family content volunteer team or have questions about family content please email

Read: Acts 27 

Challenge: One of the seven marks of a disciple is worship. One way we worship is with music. Take time to worship God with music today. Sing about how great our God is.  

Prayer: God, You are a good Father. Thank you for being the perfect heavenly Father. Lord, Help me worship You with everything I have. Amen. 

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