The Shift

The Shift

Author: Blake Houston
Jun 10, 2022

Reading Plan:
2 Corinthians 4

The Shift
Author: Blake Houston

Verses 16-18 of this chapter are so good that we just need to read them again:

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 

For the past several days we have journeyed together on the Road of Hope. And we’ve unearthed and named the undercurrent of Faith that anchors that hope into the great Story of Jesus and His Church. 

These verses help us to see how Hope gives us a new perspective and purpose. There is a change that happens inside of us when we are tethered to this eternal, glorious Hope. 

And here, in these words of Paul, we find the vocabulary to articulate the change in our mode of seeing the world. 

We take heart as the veil falls from the eyes of our hearts, and we begin to gain a glimpse into the story in which we find ourselves. This story is a guide to the Living Hope mentioned by Peter. This hope is a realization of a deeper, better way to allow Jesus to live in and through us. It is a Hope that trains our affections, our appetites, and even our allegiances to embrace the unseen, eternal, renewing glory. This hope is so full of weight and authenticity that the very burdens which threatened to crush and destroy now seem light and momentary. 

Can you feel the shift? It’s a move of the soul to embrace this Living Hope. A Hope that outweighs all of the things that are seen. Even the slow shock of our outward wasting away is a declaration of our inward renewal. The wasting away will come to an end, but the renewal of this Living Hope will go on from glory to glory. 

And so, my friends, we do not lose heart.


  • Do you resonate with this Living Hope? How does it help you view your current circumstances? 
  • What new knowledge or understanding has stood out to you this past week? 
  • Prayer: Lord, my life is Yours. Keep me aware of the Living Hope You have freely given to me by Your Grace. I submit my life wholly over to You and Your plan. I do not lose heart.
  • Although everything may be taken away, I trust that You are renewing me day by day. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Family Application: When we have hope, we have joy too! 

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • For the past several days we have journeyed together on the Road of Hope. Learned about the hope of the great Story of Jesus and His Church. The verses we read today help us see how Hope gives us a new way to look at things. There is a change that happens inside of us when we have a hope that is from God and that lasts forever. 
  • Having hope is a great gift that God gives us. Even when things might not be going our way, the hope we have helps us see things in a new way. A way where we can still have joy even in the middle of a really hard time. What is something that has made you happy today? 
  • Let's end this week with a great time! Plan a special meal or treat for your family to celebrate each other and make time to talk about what you have seen God doing this week. 
  • Prayer: God, You are wonderful! Thank You for giving us the gift of hope and joy. Help me have an amazing time with my family and love them like You love me God. Amen.

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