The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled

Author: Bailey Woods
Apr 6, 2022

Reading Plan:
1 Peter 5:1-11

The Road Less Traveled
Author: Bailey Woods

If you have ever taken the time to read through 1 Peter, you would likely have noticed two prevalent themes throughout the entire letter: submission and endurance. To give you some context, Paul addresses this letter to the “Pilgrims of Dispersion” in what is now present-day Turkey (1 Peter 1:1-2). These Christians were living under the oppression of one of the most ruthless Roman emperors to have ever been on the throne, and undoubtedly they were spread very thin. It is no wonder that Paul ends this letter driving home the point of submissiveness and endurance along with God's promise to use any suffering we endure for our faith for His glory.

First, we look at verse two where Paul directs the elders of the church to “shepherd the flock of God willingly.” This is a form of submission to both God’s will as well as God’s people. Paul’s instruction is directly applicable to our church, specifically our own church elders, as well as our House Church pastors. While it may be an honor and a blessing to serve the Lord in this way, leadership roles also carry the serious burden of this lifestyle of humility.

Moving onto verse five, we see Paul directly speak to the younger people in the faith also known as the congregation.  

“…all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for 'God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'” 

While this may be easy to understand, it is so hard to put into practice. We all have unique personalities, life experiences, and ways of doing life which lead us all to the notion that we can both lead and take care of ourselves. Submissiveness doesn’t necessarily mean weakness; for Christians, it is more synonymous with service. However, the anxiety that comes with trusting others in our church is natural. That’s why Paul writes in verse seven, “cast your cares upon him, for he cares for you.” 

As Christ-followers, we will all endure persecution at some point. The recipients of this letter were literally being martyred for their faith in Jesus. Paul tells us in response to this that “the God who called us to His glory through Jesus Christ” will use that suffering and persecution to “perfect, establish, and strengthen us.” This is the promise that God gives us in this section of scripture: if we would take the road less traveled by following Jesus’ example to submit to other people and endure the uncertainty and suffering that comes along with it, God would create in us a beautiful picture of love, redemption, and immovable grace.

Reflection & Response:

-What are some ways that you have endured suffering for your faith in Jesus?  
-How can you intentionally serve someone today?  
-Prayer: Jesus, I pray that you would show me your ways and how to be more like you. Show me how to live a life that mirrors your love for those around me through my service to them. Amen. 
-Love Your Neighbor Challenge: A great way to love your neighbor is to invite them to be a part of biblical community! Invite your neighbors to House Church tonight! What are more ways to serve others? Be intentional about serving one person today!

Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Never Too Young

-Our reading today tells us to serve others and be humble. You are never too young to serve others. It might be hard, but with God’s help, you can do it.
-To serve others and be humble means that we serve others to glorify God, not to get something for serving. We serve others because Jesus served. We want to follow Jesus’ example and live as He lived.
-Is there someone in your family, your neighborhood, or your school that could use some help? How can you serve them right now as a kid?
-Prayer: Jesus, show me how you lived and how I can be more like you. Show me how to be humble and show the world your love by serving them. Amen. 

Holy Week Family Devos
Venture Church has crafted a resource to help guide your family through Holy Week, Palm Sunday to Easter. Venture Church wants to partner with families in helping kids better understand and reflect on the events leading to Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Starting next week, use the Venture Church app on Palm Sunday to read Day 1 of the Holy Week Family Devos, and during the week, continue reading the Holy Week Family Devos in our Family Application section in your Daily Devo emails or Venture Church app. Don't miss the opportunity to observe this sacred week as a family!

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