The Power of Grace

The Power of Grace

Author: Angie Gates
May 19, 2022

Reading Plan:
Acts 4:32-37

The Power of Grace
Author: Angie Gates

Have you ever been on the receiving end of generosity? I will never forget the extreme generosity shown to us by so many people when my son was in the hospital for six weeks fighting for his life. I will be honest; it was hard to just simply receive help without offering anything in return. I had an unhealthy sense of independence and a strong will to take care of things myself. Somewhere along the way, I started to believe that anything I went through must be handled on my own. There was no way I would ask anyone for anything, and if there was a true need, I would just hide it until I could figure out a way to solve it. This way of thinking would nearly send me into a complete panic if someone went out of their way to help me. I never wanted to bother anyone, and I certainly didn’t want anyone taking my burdens upon themselves. It wasn’t right. This mindset is not biblical. God is still trying to teach me the lesson of what true biblical community looks like.

In Acts 4:32-37, we get a clear picture of what pure generosity looks like in the body of Christ. His design contradicts our selfish and prideful ways. Notice it says, “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions were their own, but shared everything they had.” How many parents have you seen trying to teach their children to share their toys? With our children, we emphasize the importance of sharing, yet we inwardly struggle with sharing as grown adults. Let’s think about two things:

Is there anything you currently own that you wouldn’t freely give to someone in need?
Is there anything you currently need that would be difficult to receive freely from someone else?

Verse 33 tells us, “...God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them.” Imagine a world where there are no needy people among us. How do we get there? This section of scripture enlightens us about the power behind a world like this. God’s GRACE working through His people who are unified in heart and mind. It sounds simple, but our lives prove it’s not that easy. God’s grace allows us to overcome unhealthy mindsets that result in us becoming generous people who can give AND receive the way our Creator designed us to. Meditate on the grace of God today. Free yourself from the burden of living independent lives that don’t leave room for the grace of God at work within you. Jesus died for us to experience such grace. May we live in such a way that we share grace with others as freely as it has been extended to us. For those of us who struggle on the receiving end of things, I pray that we leave the guilt of receiving help from others at the cross and pick up the grace that is there instead.

Reflection & Response:

  • Take some time to listen to “Good Grace” by Hillsong and focus on understanding the grace provided to us through Jesus.
  • How can you be generous today with all you have been blessed with? What is God specifically asking you to share with someone else?
  • How can you accept someone’s generosity today and leave the guilt of receiving help at the cross?


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: Share What God Gives Us

  • God is the best giver ever! He has given us so many gifts! The best gift He has ever given us is Jesus. God is a great giver, and He calls us to be generous too. Being generous means you give to others.
  • Jesus gave His life for us. He died on the cross for you, me, and everyone so that our sins(choosing your way instead of God’s way) could be forgiven and we could live with God forever. Jesus loves you. To be with Jesus forever and have your sins forgiven, you just have to believe Jesus is the Son of God, believe He rose from the dead, and say, "Jesus is the Lord of my life!"
  • Because God has been so generous with us, we can be generous with others. How can you be generous with what God has given you today? You might not think you have much to give but God has given you things you can share with the world. You might be able to give away a toy you don’t play with anymore, maybe you can give someone a hug, or maybe you can smile and say hello.
  • Prayer: God, You are so good! Thank You for sending Jesus to pay the price of my sins! God, help me to give away what You have gifted to me. Amen.

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