The Facts of Obedience

The Facts of Obedience

Author: Angie Gates
Mar 1, 2022

Author: Angie Gates

Reading Plan: Genesis 22

I often wonder what was going through Isaac’s mind after realizing his Father was about to kill him. We aren’t told anything of his response, his reactions, his thoughts, or his emotions. We are only told of Abraham’s obedience. I have so many questions about what was going through Isaac's mind after God provided a ram to take his place. Did he understand what was happening? Did he hear the voice as the angel of the Lord called out to Abraham to stop? Did his father explain anything to him beforehand? Was he fighting back as he was being bound? Did he live in fear after experiencing this? So many thoughts run through my mind, yet we are only left with the facts given about his father. It’s amazing how Scripture is perfect at pointing us toward what matters most. Isn’t that true for all of us? The only thing that brings us freedom from our own wandering thoughts, actions, and emotions are the facts of our Heavenly Father!

This story also leaves me wondering how many "Isaacs" do we encounter in our own lives? I wonder who in our families, among our friends, or among our coworkers are experiencing something significant and those around them have absolutely no clue what they are thinking or how they are feeling. We can’t always know what everyone else is truly dealing with, but remember, we know the facts about our Father and that is all that matters.

So, what facts do we learn through Abraham as the father figure in Genesis 21? We learn to listen to God’s voice. We learn the benefit of responding immediately to God’s direction. We learn the advantage of trusting God to provide when there seems to be no other solution. We learn to keep moving forward with the plan until God changes our course. And, we learn to be willing to give up even the things we cherish most because we believe obedience matters more than what we are sacrificing.

Trace the pattern of Abraham's decisions: he responded, he trusted, he moved forward, he was willing, and he was obedient. If we followed this pattern with our lives, where would it take us? Who would it impact? In verse 18, God tells Abraham, “All nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me.” Let’s ask ourselves today:  Who have we blessed because we have chosen to obey God? This brings us great truth in the realization that our choice to obey God never ends with us. Other people have blessings to lose when we choose not to obey.

Reflection & Response:
  • What facts about God do you need to remind yourself of today?
  • Think about one thing God is asking of you right now. Now consider the fact that your obedience never ends with you. Does this fact give you strength in moving forward today?
  • Meditate on verse 18 and find your confidence in God’s truth today.

Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: I can do what God asks me to.
  • In today’s reading, God asks Abraham to do something that scared Abraham. God asked Abraham to do something that made him really uncomfortable. Even though Abraham was afraid to do what God asked him to do, Abraham trusted God. Abraham chose God’s way instead of his own way.
  • We all have times when we want to choose our way instead of God’s way. Sometimes it can be a really hard thing to do. One thing that can help us choose God’s way instead of our own way is to read the Bible.
  • Another great source of help to choose God’s way instead of our own way is to have someone who will guide us along the way. Think about all the people in your life and ask one person to help you follow God.
  • Prayer: God, we love you so much. You are really great. Thank you for helping us do whatever you ask us. God, please help me think of one person I can ask to help me do what you ask me to do. Amen.

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