Thankful Giving

Thankful Giving

Author: Whit Stewart
Nov 14, 2022 | 2 Corinthians 9:11-12

At first, when I read this scripture, my mind was perplexed. What did that just say? Sometimes I struggle to understand scripture or anything I read - my wife Brandy can attest to that.

So, I went back a few verses to try and understand some context about what Paul, the author, was talking about. Paul is mostly talking about giving and how the way you sow will affect how you reap.

In verse 6, Paul says, “whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” What does it mean to sow and reap? These are farming terms: sowing is planting seeds and reaping is harvesting crops. I’m not a farmer, but I do understand that planting seeds isn’t as simple as it sounds. Jesus even talks about the effects of planting in different soils and the different results each soil will yield. (Matthew 13:1-23)

Reaping is gathering and harvesting the crop. In this case, Paul is talking more about giving than sharing the gospel, however, just throwing a lot of money at something doesn’t mean you’ll get a lot of return. The heart’s desire and intent are what is most important to God.

Giving is a discipline of worship, like it says in verse 7, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Being a cheerful giver is ultimately glorifying to God. His desire is for us to recognize His greatness and realize that the purpose of the gifts and treasures we have is to glorify Him. When we give like this, we are enriched, as verse 11 says, which produces thanksgiving in our hearts. It’s almost like a never-ending cycle; giving generously with a happy heart leads to the realization that we are supplied with everything we need (verse 10) from God. That leads to the glorification of God which brings forth thanksgiving and the desire to give cheerfully again.

  • Meditate on God’s gifts to you and thank Him. Ask God to bless those gifts so that they glorify Him. Ask God to reveal ways in which you can be a cheerful giver with what you have.
  • Maybe you read today’s scripture and feel the desire to give with thanksgiving. Pray about it and give today!
  • Prayer: God, I thank you so much for the gift of Your son Jesus. I’m not sure how You gave up Your Son to pay the penalty of my sin, but I am truly grateful. God, help me just to be a cheerful giver. Help me to see all that You have given me so that I can be responsible with those blessings, and allow me to use them to glorify and worship You. Show me new ways I can give with thanksgiving.

Family Application: 2 Corinthians 9:11-12

Author: Cooper Herrington

Today, we are reading 2 Corinthians. 2 Corinthians is in the New Testament and is a letter to a church. We are reading from chapter 9 (the chapter is the first number or bigger number) and verses 11 through 12 (the verses are the second number or smaller number). Our verse today tells us about generosity. Generosity is giving what you have to someone else. You could give some of your allowance, a high five, or a kind word. There are lots of different ways to be generous.

  • These verses tell us that our generosity is not just about us or the people we may help - it is a way we get to be thankful to God. We can be thankful for being able to give, and we can help someone else be thankful to receive. What is one thing you can tell God thank you for?
  • One way we can tell the world about Jesus is by living like Jesus did. Jesus is the most generous man ever. What is one way you can be generous today? Who is someone you can be generous with today?
  • Prayer: God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for being generous with Jesus. You sent Jesus to die for me. I love You. Help me live like You and be generous. Amen.

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