Summer Picks: Week Nine

Summer Picks: Week Nine

Author: Elders
Jul 29, 2024

Because summer is fading and fall is right around the corner, it's time to say goodbye to Summer Picks! We've enjoyed sharing unique, quality resources to help you grow your faith on the go this summer. Start the fall season right by making Scripture a part of your daily routine. We invite you back next week on Monday, August 5th for the return of Daily Devos!

Summer Picks: Elders 


Lee Parish | Elder 

Lee’s Summer Picks  

  • Favorite Thing About Summer: Yard work with family, afternoon pool plunge, wakeboarding, eating and picking fresh vegetables, slow afternoons, homemade ice cream, late-night movies, snow cone runs, and morning coffee with Elizabeth
  • Summer Reading Pick: Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
  • Why recommend this book? I am learning how to slow down, enjoy rich relationships, and find what a Sabbath looks like - to REST. 


Venture Church

Venture Summer Pick 

  • Summer Podcast Pick: Share Your Story Podcast
  • Why recommend this podcast?  This brand-new podcast shares stories of God's faithfulness in the lives of His children. Every new episode introduces us to new guests with new stories that will encourage, inspire, and impact listeners. Season One drops on August 2nd, but you can listen to a bonus episode in the Unschooled and Ordinary Podcast now! Subscribe and follow now so you don't miss an episode!


Lee’s Summer Pick 

  • Summer Resource Pick: SOAP Method and Bible Reading Plan  
  • How do you use these resources? To stay in the Word each morning, I use the SOAP method and a Bible reading plan. I find a scripture, observe what it says, try to apply it to my life, and then spend some time in prayer about it.

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