

Author: Bailey Woods
Jun 14, 2022

Reading Plan:
1 Peter 2:13-25

Author: Bailey Woods

After reading today's passage, it's easy to feel slightly insulted. Submission must be one of the hardest parts of scripture to level with, especially in the land of the free. As challenging as it may be, we can't let our ego get in the way of what God is trying to show us in this section of scripture.

We start with a command to live in obedience both to the law of the land and the rulers who preside over the land. If you're like me, when you think about laws and world leaders, you think of how unfair and corrupt they can be. Unfortunately, this has been the case for generations. The writer of this book is no stranger to the way our fallen world works. So, why shouldn't we maintain a rebellious attitude towards these people? The answer to that question is simple: When we follow these laws and maintain a good attitude, we give people no excuse to deny our plausibility and our faith. In addition, scripture makes it clear that God appoints those who govern us, and it honors God when we honor these people. As Christians, our testimony and people's perception of the way we live out our lives can mean the difference between someone being drawn to our faith and someone being driven away. So, we should make it our intention to be as blameless as possible both in the eyes of God and in the eyes of those who surround us.

Paul then moves on to write about submission to masters. Now, this may be slightly unfamiliar and out of context, simply because this letter was written to an audience who lived in a time when slave labor was commonly accepted, however, this command still has great implications in our lives as well, and truthfully, is more about sacrifice and self-control than it is about slaves obeying their masters. Everyone can relate to having poor leadership, or a boss with a terrible attitude at work. When we respect those positions of greater authority regardless of how they treat us, we glorify God by reflecting Christ. The same principle goes for our marriages and relationships. Just because we feel like our significant other is distant or our friends have seemingly forgotten we exist, we shouldn't give up on those people. To have a Christ-like love and respect for those around us means to have unconditional compassion. In the same manner that Jesus laid down his life even for those who whipped him and nailed him to a cross, likewise, we should sacrifice our own comfort and wait patiently upon the Lord as mentioned in verses 20-21.

You may ask, "What does submission have to do with the faithfulness of God?" To which I would reply: "I'm glad you asked!" One side of the coin is that when we submit to the laws and authorities appointed by God and patiently wait on the Lord for His will to take place in His time, God is faithful and just to judge those who wrong us, and reward us, His good and faithful servants. The other side of this coin is that God's faithfulness is evident in that He sent His only Son to do all of which we've just been commanded so that "we having died to sins and might live for righteousness." Jesus was faithful enough to endure unspeakable pain and suffering so that we might live with everlasting peace. If we are to be Christ-like, the least we can do is submit to those in authority over us.


  • When is a time that you have felt overwhelmed or mistreated at work? How was your attitude affected?
  • With submission comes patience. How can you exhibit more patience in your life?
  • Prayer: Lord, show us how to be more like You. Show us how to live a life by Your will and Your desires for us. Teach us how to show submission, patience, and love. Amen.

Family Application: God helps me be kind.
Author: Cooper Herrington

  • As we read today, remember that the church was having a really hard time. The people who weren't a part of the church were mean to the church. Peter wanted to remind people of the church, like us, that even though other people were not being nice, we can still treat them kindly because of Jesus. Jesus always loves us and always cares for us, and He even died for us even though we don't always choose Him or treat Him nicely.
  • To be able to treat people kindly, we have to have help; we cannot do it on our own. The great news is we have the best helper ever! His name is the Holy Spirit. He lives inside of us and helps us love people like Jesus loves people. Next time you need help being kind to someone, ask God to help you. When you know that God will help you, how does that change how you think about difficult things?
  • Peter's message is for us too. When there are people who don't treat you very nicely, but you treat them kindly anyway, you are showing them Jesus. One amazing way you can tell someone about Jesus is by treating them with kindness when they don't treat you nicely first.
  • Prayer: God, You are the best! Thank You for the Holy Spirit, who helps me follow You, God. Help me treat people kindly even when they are not kind to me. Amen.

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