Striving for Holiness

Striving for Holiness

Author: Jessica Brinson
Sep 20, 2022 | 1 Timothy 3

When we live a gospel-led life, like Paul is describing throughout 1 Timothy, we are living a life that is striving for holiness. God is holy in the sense that He is without sin and is all-powerful. However, we can strive for holiness through our actions. One of those actions can be prayer, as chapter two pointed out. Another way is by leading well.

In chapter 3 of 1 Timothy, Paul lists qualifications for overseers and deacons, or leaders of the church. However, the guidelines he lists provide insight and direction for how we can live our lives as we strive towards that holiness. In verse fifteen, Paul says he is writing this letter so that we may know how one ought to behave in the household of God.

Paul uses the term “the household of God” to describe the church quite often. In the same way that a family has different members with different roles, so does the church and its members. We all can’t be church leaders - you know, those we see on stage or on the screen every Sunday at church - but just because our roles look different doesn’t mean a role is lesser by any means.

The word “deacon” actually means to serve. So, as we serve or volunteer in church on Sundays or Wednesday nights or in our daily life among our friends, coworkers, and family, we need to be aware of the qualifications Paul has listed. We need to be sure that our lives are striving for holiness, that we are living in the world but not of the world. We should be standing out, not fitting in, because of our love for Christ and through that love for Him, love of others. And as we love others, we need to be sure our lives are a correct example of our love for Christ - if not, we may cause a brother or sister to stumble.

  • Out of the list Paul gives, what are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What is a small step you can take to improve or strengthen those weak spots?

Family Content: 1 Timothy 3

By: Carrington Stuart

  • Today, we’re reading another passage from the book of 1 Timothy. Last time we learned about worship and prayer. Today, we’re going to learn about the qualities a leader should have!
  • A good leader should be trustworthy. This means that their actions and their words are the same! They do what they say they will do. They also wouldn’t ask someone else to do something that they wouldn’t do themselves.
  • A good leader should be respectful. They should be kind to everyone and make others feel special. They should also be kind to their families and teach them to be kind and respectful too!
  • Good leaders are generous. They should be willing to share what they have with others and invite others into their homes and lives. They shouldn’t be selfish by wanting to keep all of their money and nice things to themselves. They should take care of others and be a friend to everyone.
  • Good leaders in the church should know about the Lord and tell others about Him. They should be honest with other people and serve them, even if they don’t go to church. Then they can invite others to church so they can know Jesus, too!
  • Do you know any good leaders in your life? Maybe your mom, dad, or a teacher at school? How can you be a better leader to others? How can you thank leaders in your life for everything they do for you?
  • Prayer: God, help me to remember what it means to be a good leader. I want to lead others to know, love, and follow you every day. Help me to be trustworthy, respectful, generous, and kind so that I can tell others about You. I also want to show the leaders in my life that I am grateful for them, and be a good example, too. Thank you, God. We love you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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