Spiritual Power

Spiritual Power

Author: Nikki Payton
Jun 30, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Ephesians 3:14-21

Spiritual Power 

Author: Nikki Payton 

We have spent this month slowly digesting Peter's letter celebrating Christians' new identity within God's growing church. Apostle Peter calls for holy living, spiritual growth, godly and marital submission, and acclimation to the reality of persecution as refugees in Rome. Today, we find ourselves in the middle of Paul's letter to the same group of dispersed Christians in Rome.  

For the first time in the history of mankind, the Christian family now has 24/7 open access to both prayer and spiritual power. (Ephesians 3:16). No longer was prayer limited to priests in the temple after sacrifice and cleansing rituals (Leviticus 4 and 16). No longer did God just focus on a Hebrew-Jewish nation to advance his Kingdom agenda; now everyone under heaven was included (Ephesians 3:14). No longer did God disseminate his spiritual power to specially-chosen ones (Number 11:25). Now, God's people were able to pray and tap into the power of the Holy Spirit at any time. What glorious good news for all of mankind!

In this section of Scripture, we experience one of the most powerful prayers documented in the Bible; but just what, in plain English, is the spiritual power that Paul prays about?

Think of our cell phones. We have incredible computing power in the palm of our hands – compact and convenient. Imagine going through your week without a way to charge your phone. While some of us can sacrifice social media, shopping, and YouTube, we would be debilitated if we were not able to communicate with our family, friends, and jobs. However, the phone cannot function without a power source. In translation, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is our source of power. When we become believers, we are gifted with the Holy Spirit. The very presence of God and His power dwells inside of us (Acts 2:4). 

How do we plug into this spiritual power source?  

As easy as it is to connect our phones to our chargers, it is just as simple to tap into the Holy Spirit. Paul reveals two critical steps within our reach: intimacy with Jesus and being "rooted and firmly established in love" (Ephesians 3:16). Deep roots for plant life require hydration, air, and light; for believers, all of these can be found in community with the body of Christ. 

What is the benefits package with this spiritual power source?  

My words are inadequate when describing God's boundless, inexhaustible love, and how God works above and beyond our imaginations. Paul wants us to comprehend the incomprehensible – the "length, width, height, and depth of God's love" (Ephesians 3:18-19). The Pacific Ocean covers 63 million square miles of the Earth's surface with a depth of 36,000 feet. Imagine standing along the shore and filling your favorite coffee cup with ocean water. That cup does not come close to holding the fullness of such a vast ocean. There's no man-made device that can. God’s love is infinitely bigger. 

What can this spiritual power do?  

Things beyond our imagination. Let's recap some of the best work of the Holy Spirit. He created the universe (Genesis 1). He parted the Red Sea to save his people from slavery (Exodus 14). He made the sun stand still (Joshua 10:13-14). He saved Daniel from the lions' den (Daniel 3:17) He provided food to thousands (Mark 6). He defeated death (Matthew 27:51-53). Finally, He is present in every one of His people who believes. That power resides in each of us, and when we seek His plans and purposes, there is nothing we cannot do.


  • This week, begin invoking the Holy Spirit with daily Bible study. The Venture Church App is a great place to start. Challenge yourself to double your usual time in prayer. Grow comfortable in the quiet. Set a goal to make community and worship a priority. Discover and develop your spiritual gifts. By developing these gifts, you grow closer to God through the power of the Holy Spirit who bestows them. 
  • Prayer: Holy Spirit, You are welcome here. We ask for Your help to grow closer to You, to be strengthened with Your power, that You will give us deep roots, and that You will empower us to share this good news with those who don't know You. We want others to experience the length, width, height, and depth of Your love that surpasses all knowledge and understanding. In our Savior's name, Amen. 

Family Application: Jesus is the greatest of all time.  

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • We are in Ephesians today. This is a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote while he was in prison. The verses we are reading today in the Bible are Paul's prayers for the church. In His prayer, Paul mentions God and His glory. One part of glory is telling God how great He is.
  • When we give God glory and tell Him how great He is, we are worshiping Him. Spend some time today worshiping God. One way that we can worship is through music and singing about how great He is.
  • Do you have a favorite sports team, favorite ice cream, favorite video game, or favorite celebrity? It is easy to tell people about something or someone great. Think about how much you tell people about your favorite thing or person. We can do the same thing when we talk about Jesus. Jesus is the greatest of all time! Talk to someone today about how great Jesus is and invite them to church with you.   
  • Prayer: God, You are the greatest of all time! Thank You, God, for sending Jesus to live a sinless life and die on a cross for me. God, send me one person I can talk to about how great You are today. Amen. 

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