Something About Walls

Something About Walls

Author: Kelsey Walsh
Jul 18, 2022

Reading Plan:  

1 Corinthians 3 


Something About Walls 

Author: Kelsey Walsh  


“Let’s do something about walls.” 

Matt Smith, our Worship Pastor, and I were doing some impromptu songwriting one night after rehearsal. Matt’s gift with words is one of my favorite things about him; he takes things that were once only felt by the heart and translates them into lyrical anthems for the Church to declare in worship. And…I’m better with music and melodies. So, when I said, “Let’s do something about walls,” it was like some peasant saying to Van Gogh – “Hey, what about some stars…wait for it…at nighttime?” 

But Matt, ever-gracious and encouraging, liked the idea, and we built upon it. After only about an hour and a half of writing, re-phrasing, and chording out progressions on the piano, “Your Church” was born. It came together more quickly than anything we’d ever written before. 

The message behind “Your Church” carries a similar vibe to Chapter 3 of Paul’s letter to the Church in Corinth. The song was written at the height of Covid when our staff was trying to figure out how to continue to minister and worship together safely. There was a lot we had to leave behind – the routines, the traditions, and even the building – to adapt to the new, ever-changing world around us and meet people where they were. I think that season was the greatest lesson I’ve ever had in what it means to not simply go to church but to be the living, breathing Church of the living God. 

Paul wants his readers to understand that he and other people who lead us are simply that: people. Much like I got too comfortable putting my faith in the elements of church rather than God Himself, the Corinthians got too caught up following the leader. With the influence of dynamic personalities, relevant teaching, and social media, I think the temptation is just as great for churches in 2022. We have some incredible leaders at Venture, and I’d follow them anywhere (unless they’re running; don’t sign me up for running). But ultimately, it’s not buildings or staff or worship styles that make the Church. 

Paul is one of the most influential leaders in history, but he’s not cocky about it. In verse 6, he says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” He is simply building upon the foundation of Jesus, and he understands that the work doesn’t stop with him. What an example. 

Here’s my favorite part: “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” I wish it hadn’t taken a global pandemic for that question to get my attention, but here we are. It makes me take a hard look at the kingdom I’m building. Am I “being the Church” in my own strength and power? Will my work burn up in the fire? Or am I pursuing holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit and doing work that is worthy of God’s blessing and reward? 

If like me, you sometimes find yourself trusting more in leaders, things, your own power, or ways of life rather than the Giver of life, then, let’s do something about walls. Let’s break them down.  



  • Listen to “Your Church,” by Venture Worship. Let the words be a reminder that God doesn’t live in a building; He lives in us. 
  • What lessons did God teach you during the height of the pandemic? In what ways were you relying on people or things instead of Him? 
  • In what ways are you planting or watering so that others can come to know, love, and follow Jesus? 

Family Application: Jesus Is Our Foundation 

Author: Nichole McCardle 

  • Our Daily Devo today comes from 1 Corinthians 3. In this chapter, Paul is writing letters to the Corinthians. The Corinthians were having some trouble living their lives the way Christians should. Paul was writing to show them what God wants from His people. In verse 16, Paul says, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” This means that God does not live in a temple, a building, or a church, but in US! WE are His temple. WE are the Church. And just like a church building, WE have to have a strong foundation. A foundation is the bottom part of a building. It has to be the strongest part of the entire structure. Could you imagine building a house on a foundation of playdough, jello, or pillows? The whole thing would come crashing down as soon as you tried to build walls! Even more important than a building having a firm foundation, WE need a firm foundation, and that is Jesus! Verse 11 says, “For no one can lay any other foundation than what has been laid down. That foundation is Jesus Christ.” This means that if the most important thing in our life is our friends, family, school, or anything other than Jesus, it will come crashing down, just like the house built on jello! Let’s build our lives, His church, on the firm foundation of Jesus. 
  • What are some things that people sometimes build their lives upon, rather than Jesus? What do you think will be the outcome if we build our lives on anything other than Jesus? 
  • We learned that a building is not the Church, but WE are the Church. Turn on “Your Church”, by Venture Worship and sing and worship Jesus with your family. 
  • Prayer: God, You are so strong and powerful! Thank You for being my Firm Foundation! God, help me to always build my life on You. Amen. 

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