Share the Love

Share the Love

Author: Amy Fontenot
Dec 13, 2022 | John 15:9-17

Has someone ever made a sacrifice for you? Maybe a grandparent set aside their savings to pay for your college, or a parent took time off work to cheer you on at a ball game, or maybe a friend shared his lunch when you forgot yours on the bus? These acts of sacrifice, no matter how big or small can make a huge impact on the recipient!

Yesterday we talked about agape - the unchanging, self-giving, eternal love that we can experience through Jesus. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is the greatest example of love the world will ever see! This sacrificial love isn’t just for us to receive; agape love is meant for us to share with others.

“This is my command: Love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12

As believers and followers of Christ, we are to be known by our love - our sacrificial love. True love is always demonstrated by action, and agape love is shown not only through friendliness but through giving of ourselves. But we aren’t called to sacrifice just to say we did something hard and good - we are called to give of ourselves for others so that they can experience the love of Christ.

“I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father.” John 15:15

Not servants, but friends. Jesus loved us and invited us into the mission to love others. He has made His plans known to us so that He can produce lasting fruit in our lives and in the lives of others. God uses these heartfelt acts of agape love to ripple through us into the lives of others. We are able to be a part of His loving plans not because we are good people or hard workers, but because His Holy Spirit has changed our hearts. This love is a mark of a follower of Jesus! So how can you love? How can you selflessly put someone else before yourself this holiday season?

“I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” John 15:11

When we abide in Christ and love others, our joy grows and grows and one day when we come face to face with Jesus, our joy will be complete! What a wonderful celebration to anticipate! May you experience the joy of Christ as you love others this holiday season!

  • Who has shown you agape love? Send them a special Christmas card or text message telling them how much they have impacted you with their selfless acts of love.
  • When do you find it hard to love others? Pray that God would help you love people the way he commands. 

Family Application: Number One Rule

Author: Cody Smith

In your family, do you have any rules you must follow? Maybe you have a rule in your house that you must brush your teeth before bed, wash your hands before eating, or no arguing with your brothers or sisters. Can you think of some rules or commands that the Bible teaches us to follow? The Bible has lots of rules for us to follow so that we can live a life pleasing to our God who loves us. One of those rules came directly from Jesus when he was on Earth in the book of John 15:9-17. Read those verses with your family and see if you can find the rule or command that Jesus gave us. Did you find it? Jesus told us to love one another. Not only that but we read that Jesus, God’s Son, calls us friends! Jesus, who is God, not only loves us but wants to be our friend. How cool is that!

When someone is our friend, we want to spend time with them and get to know them. We can do the same thing with Jesus by reading about Him in the Bible and praying to God.

  • What are some ways to follow Jesus’s command to love one another this week? Maybe you can spend some time with a grandparent, help clean up a mess you didn’t make, or talk to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for being my friend! Help me spend more time with You and to show love to others.

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