Shake the Gates

Shake the Gates

Author: Anna Belk
Apr 27, 2022

Reading Plan:
Romans 8:31-39

Shake the Gates
Author: Anna Belk

“What then shall we say in response to these things?” To the pandemics, to the wars, to the relationship breakdowns, prodigal sons, to the shame we can’t escape, addiction, anxiety, persecution, and critical illnesses, what then shall we say in response to these things? As a people, a church body, and as a country, what then shall we say? What is my response when the hurt weighs too heavy, when the questions are left unanswered, or when the fear of the unknown becomes crippling? If I’m being honest, my response would likely not make the same bookshelf as someone that sings with the saints like Billy Graham. I hate to admit it, but I am neither an optimist. My “fallen” trait is the sinful pessimist that resides in my head wreaking havoc on my soul. In fact, recent events brought me to the floor one night hoping that my brain would just absorb the Bible while I was down there. If Romans 8:31-39 could permeate my aching soul, rather than feeling fear and despair, my response would reflect that I have been justified, pardoned from my record of wrongs in the most gracious manner. The blood of Christ provides a covering that cannot be stained, revoked, or refused by even the worst version of myself.

If our response reflected this passage, it would be that of a warrior entering battle already knowing the outcome; he would have a claim to victory regardless of what wounding occurs between now and the enemy’s surrender. The white flag will raise on the enemy line. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Is our response that of someone adopted into kingship whose seat is reserved at the table? “Who then is the one who condemns? No one.” When I become overwhelmed in my flawed humanity, is my response that of someone whose debt and mistakes were settled on the hill of Golgotha? “In all these things, we are more than conquerors.” Is our response as a church body that of a people secured by a strong tower with direct access to the upper room and holy intercession? “Nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God.” Our response WILL be that of a people not afraid to “shake the gates” as Byron Malone says. May we rob hell’s domain with such confidence that Satan shivers. We are not a people willing to give up what is rightfully ours: kingship, the prodigals, and heaven’s roads. Let that be our response.

Reflection & Response:
• What battles are you fighting right now? What is your response to struggles? Do you tend to turn to God or try to fix things yourself? Why?
• What steps can you take to make a habit of turning to Jesus amidst your trials?


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: He is with us always.
• Today we are reading the book of Romans, chapter 8, verses 31-39. These verses tell us that nothing can ever separate us from God. God is always with us and nothing can ever change that!
• How does it make you feel to know that God loves you so much and that He is always with us?
• God is with us, and He helps us do things that are uncomfortable for us. Lead your family to share something that they need to do that is hard for them. It makes it easier for your family to share when you share first as a leader of your family.
• Prayer: Father, you are with me! Thank you for always being with me. Lord, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to help me. God, help me do things that You have called me to that might be hard for me to do. Amen.

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