Sent Not Scattered

Sent Not Scattered

Author: Kyle Warren
Jun 3, 2022

Reading Plan:
Acts 8:1-8

Sent Not Scattered
Author: Kyle Warren

Before we jump into our reading today, pause for just a moment and remember the promise that we looked at yesterday in chapter 1.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

This group of ordinary and untrained disciples was commissioned to take the promise of God’s eternal rescue through Jesus to the ends of the earth. That sounds incredible in theory, but also a little impossible. What kind of resources would an act like this take? What kind of manpower would be required to pull this off? Where do you even begin?

People I work with know that I love to solve problems. Every problem holds a possibility and finding what is possible can be a lot of fun. Finding the right solution to a problem often requires multiple steps along the way, but the hardest one is always the first one. Most people get stuck trying to figure out how to begin. The disciples of Jesus certainly did not know where to begin with the task in front of them. They felt stuck so they stayed right where they were.

The church began to grow in Jerusalem. People had experienced incredible miracles. The community was deep and life-changing. Nobody wanted to leave what was happening in Jerusalem. Why would they? Things were working. They had gotten distracted by the moment and forgot about the mission. The good news is that God’s plan doesn’t stop just because we are stuck.

Then Saul shows up on the scene and persecution against the church breaks out. “And Saul approved of the execution of Stephen. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem....” Acts 8:1a. Talk about a roadblock to their purpose. But Saul’s persecution turned into the fulfillment of God’s promise.

“And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.” Acts 8:1

The church was stuck in Jerusalem until the persecution scattered them. They were more than scattered, however, they were sent! Remember the promise in chapter 1.

“You WILL be my witness in Judea and Samaria.”

Maybe your life feels really scattered right now. You are all over the place and feel stuck on the treadmill. You don’t have to live a scattered life. You are being sent to more, to a greater purpose. You are a part of the mission to change the world.


  • How have you seen God work in unexpected ways in your story?
    Give God thanks for the difficult days that He used for a good purpose.

Family Application: God's Church.
Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Do you have a group of friends? Sometimes it can be really easy to only spend time with the people we already know and not invite anyone else to be our friend. This is what was happening in Acts. The church had grown some but they had stopped inviting new people to be a part of the church. God reminded them that the church was about inviting new people to experience the church.
  • After God reminded the church that they were supposed to invite new people to be a part of the church, the church grew even bigger and faster than before. God used something hard to bring the people back to their mission of inviting other people to be a part of the church.
  • Yesterday, we talked about people who we could invite to church with us. We invite people to church, but it is through God’s power that they start a relationship with God. As a leader of your family, this could be a great moment to pray for the lost in our city and model that for your family. You can pray for people you know who you want to begin to know, love, and follow Jesus.
  • Prayer: God, You are so loving! Thank You for letting us be on mission with you! God, I pray for the people that do not know You. I pray that You make a way for them to start a relationship with You. Lord, change our city and let everyone come to know, love, and follow You. Amen.

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