Semper Paratus

Semper Paratus

Author: Austin Sines
Nov 1, 2022 | Luke 12:35-48

Being a Christian is difficult and can sometimes feel very complex and confusing. In my opinion, one of the biggest pitfalls we face is religious traditions. Why? Because it creates finish lines. Hear me out. If I asked someone what becoming a Christian looked like, they would probably break it down into obtainable steps right? It would go something like this … Step one: admit you’re a sinner. Step two: believe that Jesus is God’s Son, that He died for our sins, and that His death can save you. Step three: confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

I’m not saying that this is wrong, but it's so much more than that. When we read the parable that Jesus tells, we see Him illustrating two different kinds of servants. There is the servant who is attentive and ready for their master and then, there is the servant who is not worried about being prepared for his master. Things don’t really end well for him, do they? Being a Christian doesn’t mean following a checklist. We can’t grow if we only go to church on Sundays. The servant who is not prepared will perish. The servant who is attentive to cultivating his faith and is always ready to serve his master is going to enjoy the rewards his master will give him.

The title of this devotional is “Semper Paratus,” the United States Coast Guard’s motto which is Latin for “Always Ready.” As followers of Christ, we too must be Semper Paratus, because I can guarantee you, the enemy is always ready to steal, kill and destroy our relationship with God. How do we stay ready? We show ourselves ready by being faithful to the Master’s will. “Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.” Blessed is the servant who is doing what the master says he should be doing. The Master does not want to arrive and find his servants sleeping. He wants to see them making preparations. We prepare by being faithful. We examine God’s Word. We study His laws. We change our lives to match what He has called us to do every day of our life.

  • Which type of servant are you? Have an honest conversation with a fellow believer about your relationship with God.
  • This passage is meant to shock us and make us feel uncomfortable because so much is at stake. Take some time and think about your life here at Venture Church. Is Sunday morning the only time in your week where you are intentional about being with the Lord? What are some additional steps you can take to stay connected to God and to Biblical community through your week?
  • Challenge: Instead of a prayer, I want to challenge you to do something different. Sometimes I hear a lot more from God when my life is silent. Take 5 minutes, find somewhere quiet, and meditate. Don’t think, just be.

    Family Application: Luke 12

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Have you ever been so surprised that you had no idea what was going to happen next? Maybe it was a birthday party or a gift you didn’t think you would get. Surprises can be a really great feeling and at other times they can scare us a little. Maybe your friend or brother or sister snuck up behind you and screamed! Sometimes we don’t want to be surprised because we aren’t expecting to be surprised or we aren’t ready. Jesus is teaching in today’s Bible reading. He is talking with his disciples and tells them to not be surprised when He comes back.
  • Jesus was going back to live in Heaven to be with God the Father again, but one day Jesus will come back to earth. Jesus wanted the disciples and all of His people to love people and tell them about Him. Jesus doesn’t want His people to be surprised when He comes back or to think they missed their chance to love people and tell people about Jesus. Jesus wants us to live like we have no idea when He is coming back but if He came back today, we would not be surprised or think, “Oh no! I am out of time to love people and tell them about Jesus!” Instead, we would be happy because Jesus is here and knows that we did what He wanted us to do. Jesus doesn’t want us to be afraid of His surprise arrival, He wants us to be excited by it!
  • When we know all of these things in our heads it changes our hearts, too. Our hearts change when we practice what we know. Here is how we can practice today. Find one person and try to make their day the best day ever. Make the day all about them. Do things they like to do, ask them questions about themselves and their family, maybe even give them a small gift like a piece of candy. Then talk to them about Jesus being God’s Son and how Jesus loves them. You could even invite them to church with you.
  • Prayer: God, You are the best! Jesus, thank You for teaching me how to live. God help me today to love people and tell them about how much You love them. I love You, God. Amen.

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