Responsibility to Love

Responsibility to Love

Author: Kelly Lambert
Jul 13, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Galatians 6:11-18

Responsibility to Love 

Author: Kelly Lambert 


A famous college basketball coach, John Wooden, was known not only for his brilliant basketball knowledge but also for his many quotes - or as most of his players referred to as Woodenisms. One of his famous quotes was, “Be quick but not in a hurry.” 

The best example of this Woodenism is a NASCAR team’s pit crew. To a random onlooker, a pit crew in action looks like a swarm of bees attacking Winnie the Pooh when he steals some of their delicious honey. In reality, the pit crew works as a team with laser focus, and each person has their own responsibility. Watching them in slow motion the frenzy looks like a well-choreographed ballet designed by a Prima ballerina. 

This is the same type of purpose-filled urgency Paul is expressing to the Galatians. He is saying that we all have a role and we should be laser-focused on seeing God’s people come to know, love, and follow Him. I too can hear Paul creating Paulisms such as, “Sharing is Caring”, “Showing Love is an Opportunity, Not an Obligation!”, or “Christ first loved us, so love as He did” 

Paul is desperately trying to express that we should live out the greatest commandment. What is the greatest commandment? 

We see in Matthew that Jesus was asked this question, as well. 

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.’“ Matthew 22:37

“‘And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’“ Matthew 22:39 

Jesus then finishes by saying that all the Law and the Prophets hang on to these commandments. 

In this scripture, Paul was still trying to get Jesus' point across to his readers years after Jesus spoke this command. When we love God with everything, it’s impossible not to love others as He does. That love fuels a lifelong responsibility and pursuit to give. 

When Paul writes Galatians 6, He emphasizes, "Do you notice the size letters I’m using in my own handwriting?" To me, this sentence shouts, “Y'all, this is important!” He is telling all of us that memorizing the greatest commandment is good, but putting it into practice is on a whole other level. Paul has this sense of passion because he experienced Jesus' forgiveness, love, and calling on his life. Paul is telling us all that if Jesus can do it for him, then Jesus can do it for you. It’s with this same love that we can take on the troubles of this world, help a struggling loved one, and freely strive to do good, make peace, and bring joy to everyone everywhere we go. 


  • What can I let go of to be completely open and accepting of God’s abundant and unconditional love for me? 
  • How can I love God more? Where in my life can I include Him more? Is it my free time? My work? My family? My conversations? 
  • Who is it that I can be praying for, encouraging more, or sharing time with that may be struggling right now? 
  • Prayer: Father, remind me of when You first forgave me and showed Your love to me. Help me to take this same love and forgiveness everywhere I go. I love You, and I’m so thankful for how You love me. Please show me the opportunities where I can share this love with others as freely as You share it with me. 


Family Application: We can love the world.  

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Today, we are in the book of Galatians. Galatians is in the New Testament, and it was a letter that Paul wrote to the church in the city of Galatia. Paul’s letter helped show the people how to follow God. 
  • Paul reminds the people how they can follow God. Paul says we can do good to all people; we can love everyone. Who is someone who has made you feel loved? When they followed Jesus’ example of love and passed it to you, they showed you an example to follow. When you are loved by Jesus, you can show His love to the world.      
  • Who is someone you can love today? How do they need to be loved? You could hug them, tell them something nice, invite them to play, help them with something, or give them a gift. Whatever it is, find someone whose day you can make. 
  • Prayer: God, You are a Good Heavenly Father! Thank You for helping me love the world. God, send me someone I can love and make their day. Amen. 

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