Quickly Get Up

Quickly Get Up

Author: Anna Belk
Aug 16, 2022

Reading Plan:  

Acts 12

Quickly Get Up

Author: Anna Belk 

The setting of today's passage is during King Herod’s rising reign of terror. His hardened heart was in hot pursuit of believers that he could punish. James had just been put to death. Peter was to be Herod’s next public display of cruelty. In the meantime, Peter experienced a drastic change of setting - from dirt roads under expansive skies to likely damp, colorless spaces far from the sun’s warm touch. In this new place, Peter found himself isolated and chained.  

Francis Chan once said, “…but God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.” We call the Lord many things - Healer, Deliverer, Comforter, etc. I think of Him as quite the author since the Bible just spills over with plot twists. So, it was the night before Peter’s public trial. Can you imagine how Peter must have been feeling? Maybe he felt ignored, abandoned, or maybe he was telling jokes to the guards forced to keep him company. I wish I knew.  

Peter wakes to an unfamiliar voice. To his surprise, the voice came not from his captors, but instead from an angel of the Lord telling him to quickly get up. As in – Peter! Pick up the pace. No need to stare at your wrists; the chains are really gone. Get dressed. We have places to go and people to save. The angel opens the city gates and sends Peter on his merry way. To his company’s surprise, Peter shows up a free man. Before even washing off the jail germs, he shares the good news of what the Lord has done. Spoiler: The end of the story does not end well for Herod, but I won’t go there. Following Herod’s death, the Good News continues to spread despite his efforts.  

There are many points I could have pulled from this chapter, but there was something about the urgency with which the angel insisted that Peter move. As a counselor, I so often see others(and have also experienced myself) remaining in bondage that we have been condemned to either by the actions of others, the devil on his finest day, or our own doing. We continue to look back at the shackles and the bruises they leave. We fear getting up in case we should fall again. We do not feel worthy of dressing again in the armor of God. If God asked us to get up quickly and go, it's likely that our skeptical humanity would stop first to hear the game plan. The Lord had plans for Peter that no scheme of man could hinder. He still has plans for you. Get up quickly, get dressed, leave the shackles of shame behind, and finish the race set before you. 


  • What shackles of shame do you need to leave behind to finish the race Jesus has set before you?
  • You are free in Christ! Thank Jesus for your gift of salvation and freedom today!

Family Application: God Rescues Peter 

Author: Carrington Stuart 

  • Today we’re reading a passage from the book of Acts, and it tells the story of a very famous man in the Bible named Peter! Peter was one of Jesus’ disciples. After Jesus went back to heaven, a lot of people wanted to hurt His disciples because the people didn’t want to follow Jesus. Our story today talks about how God never leaves us even when other people aren’t kind to us.   
  • One of the people who did not want to follow Jesus was a king named Herod. King Herod wanted to hurt Peter because Peter told others about Jesus. He captured him and put him in prison with a lot of guards to watch him! Peter’s friends were so afraid and prayed to God for help. Guess what God did? He sent an angel to help Peter escape from prison!   
  • Even though Peter was in trouble, he wasn’t afraid. He trusted God! God took care of him because He followed Jesus. Sometimes, other people will not be kind to us because we love Jesus and want to follow Him. But are we ever alone? No! God will always take care of us.   
  • Peter’s story reminds us that God is with us no matter what. How can you learn to trust God even when life is hard and other people are not kind? Will you choose to follow Jesus no matter what? Tell someone that God is always with us no matter how hard things may get.   
  • Prayer: God, thank You for always taking care of me no matter what. Help me to remember that I am never alone, even when other people are unkind to me. I want to trust in You even when I am afraid, just like Peter did! Use me to tell others about Jesus and teach them to know, love, and follow you. We love You so much! In Jesus’ name, Amen.   

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