

Author: Austin Sines
Mar 25, 2022

Reading Plan: Exodus 6:1-13

Author: Austin Sines

In today’s reading, we read about one of my favorite things God does in scripture. He tells us what He has done and what He is going to do. God tells Moses what He’s already done and what He will do to set Israel free. God also shares that freedom will ultimately bring about a relationship between Him and His people.

Let's stop here and think about this passage. What was holding the Israelites (and us) back? Egypt was enslaving Israel, but our “captors” today are as varied as we are. Some need freedom from anxiety, others from secret sins; still others need freedom from past hurts. But no matter the chains that bind us, the Lord is the only One who can break them and facilitate freedom. Moses knew that he couldn’t free the Israelites; it would have to be God. It’s the same for us. We need God to step in and shatter the chains that slow us down and keep us distanced from our Father. Moses had a part to play, but the ability to truly activate transforming freedom came from God’s hand alone.

So, what is our part? God told Moses what He had already done and what He is going to do. He is a God of action. He’s calling us to remember His faithfulness in times past, to walk in obedience today, to draw close, and then trust the Lord to break the chains and usher in the freedom that we desperately need to take the next step, which ultimately brings a new level of relational freedom.

Reflection & Response:

  • What promise made to you by God do you think about in your faith the most?
  • What effect do God’s promises have on your life?
  • Writing this devotion reminded me of a song called “Your Promises” by Elevation Worship.  Each line represents a season of life in my walk with Jesus. Whether it was walking through a dark valley or an enlightened mountain top, God’s promises are true, totally and completely. Read the lyrics one line at a time and think about it in the context of your own life. 

When the weight of the world begins to fall

On the Name of Jesus, I will call

For I know my God is in control and His purpose is unshakable

Doesn't matter what I feel

Doesn't matter what I see

My hope will always be

In Your promises to me

Now I'm casting out all fear

For Your love has set me free

My hope will always be

In Your promises to me

  • Prayer: God, we are so unworthy of your promises. We simply don’t deserve you. We are so grateful to even have the opportunity to experience a glimpse of what truly living looks like. I pray we as your children remember the promises you have fulfilled and look forward to the promises that are coming. I pray that you remind us of your grace and promises when we doubt your promises for us. We love you, Amen. 
  • As believers, our mission is to share God's promises with others! Love Your Neighbor is a great opportunity to show others how to know, love, and follow Jesus. There are several opportunities this semester to support LYN projects by donating supplies or giving financial gifts. To find out more information on how you and your family can make an impact, visit Venture Church's Love Your Neighbor webpage


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Nothing is impossible for God.

  • Moses’s story is not over yet. God told Moses His name and now God is promising to rescue His people. Every time that God makes a promise, He keeps it.
  • We can trust God because He always keeps His promises. Moses knew what God said would come true. Moses knew he could not do what God asked him to do without God.
  • There may be times when we have to do something that is really hard but don’t forget that God will help us. You are not alone, and God is so powerful and wonderful that He helps us. So even if you don’t think you can do something, remember God is powerful, and He can do anything that is a part of His plan.
  •  Prayer: God, thank you for being the best helper ever. Thank you for making all things possible. Remind me of how powerful you are today and help me serve you. Amen. 

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