Promised Peace

Promised Peace

Author: Brandy Stewart
Dec 2, 2022 | Isaiah 9:1-7

We get to wrap up our advent week on peace by going back to where it all began. The book of Isaiah is fascinating to me! The overall theme of this book is prophecy, but it’s really easy to forget that when we’re reading it in the present. We have to put ourselves in the shoes of God’s people who were desperately waiting and hoping for a Messiah. Imagine reading this passage of Isaiah then. Now we know and have seen the ways Jesus came and fulfilled this prophecy. It wouldn’t have been the same experience for them then.

Imagine living in a time where kingdoms advanced through ruler’s greed, terrible war, and oppression. Wait, that actually still sounds kind of familiar right? The difference for us, as Christ followers, is that we are a part of a kingdom that advances through righteousness and peace. We have direct access to God and the peace He provides because of Jesus.

Isaiah is encouraging his people to maintain hope that God’s peace will prevail, but they wouldn’t see this fully happen until a future day ushered in by the promised Messiah. We can live in that peace today because Jesus has already come. We’ve seen examples all week of how to experience that peace. May we never take for granted all that we have been given. I hope this advent season will be a powerful time of reflection for all of us to set our eyes on the things that matter. Allow this Christmas season to be focused on Jesus and His gift of peace to us all.

  • Take some time today to pray and thank God for sending Jesus to earth to bring peace.
  • Truly take time to think on the miracle of Christmas. What are some intentional ways you can keep your mind focused on Jesus in this season?

Family Application: Isaiah 9:1-7

Author: Cooper Herrington

Today our reading is in the Old Testament in the book of Isaiah. When we read today, it gives us a peek into life with God forever. The Bible tells us things will be hard and painful here on earth but one day in Heaven when we are with God forever, there will be no more pain or sadness. How does that make you feel to know that one day we will get to be with God forever?

The challenge for today is to spend time having a conversation with God. If we get to spend forever with God, one thing we are going to do is have conversations with Him through prayer. Pray about whatever you would like to have a conversation with God about. Tell God how great He is, tell him sorry for your sins, ask Him questions, and then let Him be in control of it all.

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