Pit, Prison, Palace

Pit, Prison, Palace

Author: Blake Houston
Mar 15, 2022

Author: Blake Houston

Reading Plan: Genesis 39

Okay, confession time.

As soon as I read through Genesis 39, I can only hear one thing in the back of my mind: Jay-Z singing “If you’ve got girl problems, I feel bad for you, son…”

I mean, seriously! Joseph has been in a pit, sold into slavery, and now, just when things are looking good for him and his prospects are increasing, Potiphar’s wife decides she’d like to have a piece of Joseph’s “handsome form.” Sheesh. The guy can’t catch a break.

Joseph DEFINITELY has 99 problems

So, how does Joseph stay focused on his dream? How is he able to overcome the temptation from Potiphar’s wife AND stay resilient when his faithfulness lands him in prison?

The answer is found within the words of chapter 39. There is no question that one of the main emphases of Joseph’s story is God’s hand in Joseph’s life. In fact, the phrase “God was with Joseph” is repeated eight times in chapter 39 alone.

  • “The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a successful man” (verse 2)
  • “The Lord was with him” (verse 3)
  • “The Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house on account of Joseph” (verse 5)
  • “The Lord’s blessing was upon all that he owned” (verse 5)
  • “The Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him” (verse 21)
  • “The Lord was with him” (verse 23)
  • “Whatever he did, the Lord made it to prosper” (verse 23)

The message is clear; even though Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, and made to work for the good of others, the Lord was with him.

Everything that Joseph did, God blessed. In Potiphar's house, and eventually, in prison and Pharaoh's court, God made Joseph a successful man.

God blessed Joseph, and like Joseph, God has blessed many of us. The question is, "Why?"

As you begin to learn more of Joseph’s story, you'll notice that all of his prosperity funnels into the hands of other people. The fact that Joseph "became a successful man" did not make him personally wealthy. God's blessing in the life of Joseph made Potiphar personally rich (39:5), and would eventually rescue Pharaoh's kingdom (chapter 41) while preserving Joseph's family through famine (chapter 42 and following).

God blessing Joseph with great success, position, and power was not about Joseph's health, wealth, and prosperity. Contrary to what many teach today, your prosperity is not about you.

God blessed Joseph so that Joseph could be a conduit of blessing to others. Joseph knew this, his dream had been transformed. It was no longer about seeing himself as blessed but seeing himself as a blessing. Because of this, he was able to be a blessing no matter his surroundings, whether he was in a pit, a prison, or in a palace.

Theologian K. Strassner wrote, "Most of us are not exactly like Joseph—serving high up in the government or impacting a nation's finances. But in our spheres of influence, are we using the manifest blessings of God (be they influence, position, popularity, or money) to bless others and speak for God?"

So the question then remains: Are you?

Reflection & Response:

  • What blessings have you received from God? Take time to write them out and name them.
  • Even if we don’t feel like it, each of us has influence. How are you using your influence in your circles to bring glory to God?
  • Prayer: Father, thank You for every good gift You have given me. It doesn’t always feel that blessing is evident in my life, but I know that Your Presence is the best gift. Just like Joseph, I know that you are with me. Even when I can’t feel it, I trust that you are making a way for me. Not for my own good, pleasure, or comfort, but for the good of others. Help me to see this each and every day. In Jesus’ name, amen. 


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: God wants us to be a part of His mission!

  • Joseph was with God, and God was changing his life. God had a plan for Joseph and his life. Joseph had lots of hard things happen to him, but Joseph always went back to God and was a part of God's mission? What is God’s mission?
  • God’s mission is for everyone to know Him.
  • No matter how many times something uncomfortable happened in Joesph's life, he went back to God and loved and served other people. Joseph did his best to help other people have a great day. God wants us to be like Joseph and serve others! Who is one person you know who has not been having a good day? How can you encourage and try to serve them?
  • Maybe you could write a note, give them a snack, give them a hug, do a chore for them, or play with them. There are so many different ways to serve other people.
  • Families, this is an excellent day to tell the children in your life thank you for the time they helped you recently.
  • Prayer: God, thank you for letting me be a part of your mission. Thank you for always being with me and helping me love and serve people even when it, might be really hard for me. Lord, I love you. Amen.  

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