Perfect Protector & Holy Week Family Devotions: In the Garden, Judas’ Betrayal

Perfect Protector & Holy Week Family Devotions: In the Garden, Judas’ Betrayal

Author: Cooper Herrington & KXP Team
Apr 14, 2022


Psalm 91 



Author: Cooper Herrington 


Psalm 91 tells us over and over again that The Lord is our protector. When you hear protector, it might sound as comfortable as sleeping on a cold, hard floor. Some of you were hurt a long time ago by someone who was supposed to protect you. Now, you never want to let anyone protect you because you don’t want to feel vulnerable, exposed, or hurt again. You have forgotten what it means to be protected because you have to protect yourself. For some, maybe a desire to protect yourself isn’t from a wound but from pride. Maybe you want to make a name for yourself; maybe you want to be able to say, “I got where I am today because of my own hard work.” For others, you may identify with the group of people who believe the word “protector” is synonymous with “unicorn” or “flying pig.” When you hear the word protector, you think that can’t be true because you have never experienced it. I have suffered greatly. I have been abused. I have scars from my past. No matter which viewpoint you relate to the most, it is evident we live in a world altered by sin. The people in our lives who we think should protect us will fall short every time. They will fall short because they are flawed human beings. Despite our best efforts or theirs, we cannot change that. However, we can find comfort, peace, and rest in the arms of the Perfect Protector, our Heavenly Father.     

Today is a new day. Begin to work through your past hurts. Talk to God about it. Give him your hurts and burdens. Let His peace and freedom fill you as you tell Him about your life. It may be helpful to write things down. Find someone you can trust, and talk to them about matters as well. Is there someone in your House Church who you could talk to?

Don’t start with every single thing, but choose one issue and begin there. In all of this, ask God to help you believe and see Him as your protector.

I want to end today with a verse that stood out to me from Psalm 91, “Because he loves me,’ says the Lord ‘I will rescue him;”

The Lord will rescue those who love him. When I hear that, I am reminded of the greatest rescue that has ever taken place. I am talking about no other rescue than the one that took place at the cross. Jesus rescued us when He died a criminal’s death that He did not deserve. Yet out of His infinite love, He chose death so that we might have a life with Him forever. It doesn’t matter what you have done, where you have been, or who you are; Jesus died for you, and He loves you.   

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17 



    • Is it easy or difficult for you to trust God as your protector? Why?
    • Take a moment today to write out a prayer to God surrendering specific areas of hurt or burden in your life where you need God to be your protector. Thank Him for loving you and being your perfect rescuer. 



    READ: Luke 22:39-53

    THE BACKSTORY: After the Last Supper, Jesus took His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane at the Mount of Olives to pray. He asked his friends to pray for strength when they were tempted to do something wrong. Jesus went to another part of the garden to pray alone. He asked for God to take the hard things away, but Jesus also told God, His Father, that He trusted God to do the best thing that would bring about His perfect plan. Jesus knew He was facing pain and death very soon, but He was ready to die because it meant the world could be forgiven and have a relationship with God. Jesus prayed and prayed to God, His Father, and afterward, He returned to the disciples who had fallen asleep while praying. It was then that a crowd entered the dark garden to arrest Jesus. Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples, was with the crowd and kissed Jesus’ cheek to signal to the crowd who they should take captive. The disciples were ready to fight the crowd and save Jesus, but Jesus stopped them. Jesus was ready to suffer and die to fulfill God’s plan to save all people. When we remember Jesus in the garden, we can thank Jesus for what He did for us in the garden and on the cross, and we can pray that we could have the strength to obey God like Jesus.


    • How did Judas betray Jesus? – He kissed his cheek to show the crowd which person to arrest.
    • Why was Jesus willing to be arrested, suffer, and die? – He knew that it was a part of God’s loving plan to give forgiveness to everyone who believes.
    • What is one way that you have sinned or made a mistake? God loves you so much and wants to forgive you of your sin.

    PRAYER: God, thank you for Jesus and the example He set for us. We ask for strength to obey you as Jesus did. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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