Perfect Picture or Impractical Purpose?

Perfect Picture or Impractical Purpose?

Author: Kyle Warren
May 2, 2022

Reading Plan:
Colossians 3:12-25

Perfect Picture or Impractical Purpose?
Author: Kyle Warren

Today we are beginning a brand-new journey through scripture to understand the power of the family unit. However, to really understand what scripture teaches us about the family, we are going to have to do a little unlearning first.

Western Culture has taught us since the 1950s Industrial Revolution that the perfect family revolves around dad, mom, and their two children unhinging from all other ties to forge a family legacy of their own. The final episode of Leave to Beaver was broadcast over 20 years before I was born and yet its effects remain. Don’t get me wrong, there is a great deal to be desired in the wholesomeness and goodness of the picture-perfect nuclear family. Who wouldn’t want to create their own little pocket of family perfection? Unfortunately, that perfect picture is not always practical or even purposeful. Our families get trapped in the constant tension of busyness running from overtime to ball practice, to the dance recital. Lost in that hurry is the importance of deep, meaningful, and personal connections. Still, many other people are left feeling like they are missing a piece of their purpose because they don’t fit into the traditional family picture.

As scripture teaches us about fruitful family dynamics, and what even constitutes family, we are reminded that we have to pay attention to our internal dynamics before we look at our external relationships. In Colossians chapter 3, the Apostle Paul spends a good amount of time addressing our heart issues before he ever gets to our family issues. Healthy relationships begin with healthy hearts.

“Put on then as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” Colossians 3:12

Before you read that list and feel like you are missing the mark in too many places, the words “put on” that Paul begins with, hold the idea of an “external development.” You have to get the jacket before you can put on the jacket. Maybe you realize that patience or compassion isn’t your strong suit. Don’t worry, you’re not a failure. You have just identified an area that God is developing in you. Fruit grows gradually on a tree, and so does the fruit of the spirit in you.

Reflection & Response:

• Reread Colossians 3:12-17. What area(s) do you sense you need to grow in the most? What can you do to begin to develop those healthy habits?

• Are there any relationships in your life that have been hurt because of a lack of growth in these areas? Seek forgiveness and reconciliation in those relationships.

• Watch the Miller Family's testimonial video here, and then reflect on how God has used the Bible Reading Plan and Daily Devos to impact you and your family. Share this video or your own story with someone who you think would enjoy using this resource to grow in their faith.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Put on your virtues!

• In Colossians 3, Paul teaches us that we should look, sound, think, and act differently as a follower of Jesus. Paul even gives us a list of virtues (or really good behaviors) we should “put on” as followers of Jesus. We should have compassionate hearts, and show kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. We should show love. We should read God’s word and worship Him. We should have peace and be thankful.

• Verse 17 reminds us why we should do all these things. It’s not because we just need to be good. It’s not because we have to earn God’s love. We are to do these things because we have first been loved by God! How does being reminded of how much God loves you motivate you to “put on” these virtues?

• It can be easy to read these verses and feel overwhelmed with the number of things we need to “put on” every day. But when we remember all that God has done for us, it is easy to be excited to put on these traits for God. How can you show kindness to your friends this week? What should you be thankful for today? Is there anyone who you need to forgive?

• Prayer: God, you are so good! Thank you for loving me so much! God, help me to show others of your goodness and love through my actions and behaviors. Amen.

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