Peace in the Storm

Peace in the Storm

Author: Brandy Stewart
Nov 28, 2022 | Luke 8:22-25

I love that we are starting advent with a focus on peace. Let’s be honest – the Christmas season doesn’t always feel the most peaceful. In fact, this is usually the most chaotic time of the year for most of us!

I thought it was interesting that today’s Bible reading in Luke is actually our only passage that doesn’t specifically use the word peace at any time. The rest of this week, you’ll see more straightforward references to peace. Today, however, we see an example of Jesus being at peace in the midst of a storm. Do you think Jesus was surprised that they were headed into a storm? No. Do you think that kept him from going to sleep? No. Can you think of a greater example of peace than going to sleep with the knowledge that you’re headed straight into a storm? I can’t!

This passage of scripture is really teaching us more about trust than anything. Storms of all kinds typically expose our lack of trust in God more than anything else can. One thing I never really thought about before now is that the disciples didn’t go to Jesus until the water was already rising in the boat. That makes me wonder if the disciples were more like me than I like to think. Do you think it's possible they tried to handle everything on their own before finally turning to Jesus? It seems like just when things couldn't get worse and the disciples thought they would surely die, that’s when they finally turned to Jesus. I can think of many, many examples of how I’ve done that during different storms of my life.

As we head into this Christmas season, let me encourage you to turn to Jesus before you get caught in the worst of your storm. Trust that He is with you and will guide you in the direction you need to go.

  • What storm are you currently facing? In what way do you need to trust God more?
  • Prayer: God, please help me keep my eyes on You in the storm. Show me how to trust in Your ways more than mine. Fill me with peace that can only come from You.
  • This Advent season, we are counting down the days till Christmas together on the Venture Church App with Countdown to Christmas Advent Calendar! Go to the app each day and receive a gift that reflects the peace, hope, love, and joy of Jesus. Share this with your family and use this tool to refocus your mind this season on the wonder of the manger. 

Family Application: Luke 8:22-25

Author: Cooper Herrington

When was the last time the weather was a little crazy? Raindrops were probably falling. The wind might have been so strong that the trees were shaking. When the weather gets like this, it can be really easy to feel afraid. I have great news though! Jesus has power over the wind, the rain, the waves, and everything. Now let’s read about that: (Read Luke 8:22-25 together. This could be a great chance to have the kids in your life read out loud.)

Jesus and His disciples were on a small boat traveling. Jesus was tired so he went to sleep, but the rest of the disciples stayed awake. Then, all of a sudden, a storm came that was so bad the boat was going to sink. What do you think the disciples were thinking when this happened? If you were there, what would you have thought?

Suddenly, Jesus wakes up and orders the storm to stop. After Jesus ordered the storm to stop, guess what happened? The storm stopped immediately. Jesus had power over the storm then, and He has power over the storms now. Jesus doesn’t just have power over the wind and the waves – He has power over everything, even death! Jesus showed He has power over death when He died on the cross for us and then three days later came back to life. What do you want to tell Jesus right now?

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