Our Keeper

Our Keeper

Author: Brandy Stewart
Mar 28, 2022

Reading Plan: Psalm 121
Author: Brandy Stewart
I know I’ve read this Psalm before. I’ve probably read it more than once. If I’m being honest, it is one of those passages that is easy to read quickly and move on. Especially since it’s only eight verses. But this time, reading through the scripture and actually studying it was so good!

This brings up a good point I want to address before we keep going. Can I encourage you to go beyond just reading the Bible and instead commit to studying the Bible? I’m not always great at this. I definitely read just to read sometimes, and that’s better than not reading at all, but there’s just so much more to be gained from digging in and studying! Find a study Bible with tools such as study notes, articles, maps, or cross-references that can help you better understand what you are reading. Look for a commentary that you trust! Check with your House Church Pastor if you need recommendations. When studying the Word, ask questions about what was happening culturally and historically when the scripture was written. Read through the verses to understand more about who God is instead of just focusing on what this might mean about you. Okay, enough about that!

Psalm 120 is the first in a series called “Songs of Ascents." These psalms were most likely songs used to give travelers confidence on their journey to Jerusalem to worship. Psalm 121 hones in on trust and understanding where our help comes from. The author wants us to understand that God is worthy of our trust and He never tires of caring for us.

The study notes in my Bible point out that “keep” is used six times in these eight verses alone. It also told me that the Hebrew word used here is “shamar” which means to guard, watch over, or attend to carefully. Have you ever thought about what it truly means for God to be your keeper? Do you fully trust that He is good and will guide you while never tiring? As you read through Psalm 121 today, pray and ask God to help you understand just how much He cares for you.
Reflection & Response: 
  • When you find yourself in need of help, what is your default reaction? Is it to turn to God? Begin praying today that God would help you trust in Him more.
  • This week, I challenge you to spend at least 15 minutes a day researching the background of each of our Bible Reading Plan passages.  


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: We can tell God He is great.

  • Today our reading is in the book of Psalms. The book of Psalms is in the Old Testament and is a collection of 150 songs and poems. King David wrote 73 of the songs and poems. Nearly half! Psalm 121 is all about trusting that God will always take care of us.
  • When we have a conversation with God, we can tell God how great He is. What are a few reasons we can tell God that He is Great? God is compassionate. God is slow to get angry. God loves us. God is good to everyone. God is trustworthy. God always does what he promises. There are so many reasons that God is great.
  • Who is someone you can pray for this week when you have a conversation with God?
  • Prayer: God, you are great! Thank you, Lord, for letting me have a conversation with you. God, you are always with me and you always take care of me. Amen.

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