No Mercy

No Mercy

Author: Brandy Stewart
Mar 31, 2022

Reading Plan: Deuteronomy 7:1-4

Author: Brandy Stewart

I’m going to be honest. I struggled to find the “deeper meaning” in this passage the first ten times I read through it. I even read through what the study notes in my Bible had to say, and I still felt like I was missing the point! Then I decided it was time to talk with a few trusted friends to ask them what they saw after reading these verses, and I was completely blown away by what they had to say! Earlier this week I encouraged you to study the Bible instead of just reading it. Today I’d like to add that sometimes talking it out with a friend is another great way to study scripture!

This week we’ve read a lot about trusting God and being content with what He’s given us. Today, we’re going to get some very serious instructions on how to completely cut out anything that can lead us into temptation of any kind. These verses are specifically cautioning us against friendship or fellowship with idols and idolaters. Why? Those are things that take us away from God, and they cannot be tolerated.

The first few times I read this passage, it was hard for me not to think that it was unnecessarily harsh. Then I began to see that God is protecting the Israelites. He’s asking for bold obedience from them with no gray area. The Israelites are specifically instructed to show no mercy. I can’t help but think that God would tell us the same thing about our temptations today. Cut them all out with ruthless violence. Do not compromise. This is also ultimately for our own protection too.

What has God clearly asked you to eliminate from your life? What has been holding you back from showing that temptation no mercy? Go back and read Psalm 121 today and remind yourself of how much God cares for you. With that in mind, what steps can you begin to take today to eliminate whatever it is you know God is asking you to do?

Reflection & Response:

  • If you are looking for a few trusted friends to confide in and study God’s Word with, then connect to a House Church today! Finding godly community to invest in is as easy as visiting our House Church webpage to find a House Church and connect with a House Church pastor!
  • Eliminating temptation in our own power is impossible, but because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice on the cross, we can be made new! As believers, we have been transformed by the blood of the Lamb! And through God’s gift of the Holy Spirit to His children, we have the power to show no mercy to our temptations. Last night in House Church, we set aside a special time of worship to look toward the cross expectantly as we prepare our hearts for Easter.  Today as you watch the worship video for “Thank You Jesus for the Blood," lift your praises and reflect on what Jesus has done. Don’t miss this opportunity to thank Jesus for His blood that He shed for you on the cross.  


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: No Matter what I can trust God.

  • In today’s reading, God gives the Israelites instructions. God always knows best and wants what is best for us. When God gives us instructions for following Him, we can trust that it is for our good.
  • When you know that God always wants what is best for us does that makes it easier to follow his instructions?
  • Today, spend time praising God for who He is. He is a good God that loves us. Find a time to tell God how great He is maybe even turn on some worship music.
  • Prayer: Father, there is no one like you. You always know what is best, God. You are a good God. Amen. 

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