No Comparison

No Comparison

Author: Amy Fontenot
Apr 21, 2022

Reading Plan:
John 21:15-25

No Comparison
Author: Amy Fontenot

Jesus didn’t bargain with Peter. He didn’t sugar-coat his destiny or downplay his responsibility in order to convince him to love Him and follow Him. This passage makes it clear, that if you love Jesus, you will do His work for His people and obediently follow Christ. This obedience is the fruit, the evidence, of a faithful love for Christ.

In verse 18, Jesus leveled with Peter and told him how his life would end – on a cross like His Savior. Jesus then immediately commanded Peter to follow Him. Jesus was clearly telling Peter: You say you love me, and this is what I require of you- to teach, lead, encourage My people, and then follow me to certain death. This is what this love looks like: selfless love for others and a willingness to follow Jesus no matter what the outcome on earth.

The thing that gets me every time I read this is Peter’s response to Jesus in verse 21. Jesus, the Son of God, has just told Peter to follow Him in life and in His death. And his response? “What about him (John)?” Instead of simply saying, “Yes, I will follow you,” Peter immediately thought of “the disciple Jesus loved” and the author of this book, John. Peter wanted to know if John would experience the same fate as him. Peter, you’re killing me! The point wasn’t what John would do for the Lord or what his faith journey looked like compared to Peter’s- it’s about obedience to loving people and loving God wherever life leads.

But don’t we compare like Peter? What about that Christian? Their life is so much easier/more exciting/more fulfilling than mine! Why can’t my life be like theirs? To be clear, John did not live an easy life as a disciple of Jesus. He was persecuted and exiled on the island of Patmos for years, where he wrote the book of Revelations. We don’t know the specifics of his death, but just like Peter, we know he lived a life of love and obedience until he reached his eternal destination- heaven with their friend and Savior, Jesus.

When we follow Jesus, instead of looking for comparisons and exceptions, we can ask for strength and boldness in our obedience. Jesus wants our whole hearts, our full attention, and our unconditional obedience in loving people and loving God no matter where we are. Peter didn’t lead a perfect life, but he led an obedient life to the very end. Peter went on to obediently preach the gospel, lead the church in Rome, and write letters encouraging other believers in their faith. With the acceptance that he would gladly live and die for Christ, Peter encouraged other persecuted believers with these words and many like them:

But it is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name! 1 Peter 4:16

Reflection & Response:

What have you been bargaining with God about when you just need to be obedient instead?


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Comparison takes away our joy.

  • Peter learned so many things from Jesus. One thing Peter learned in the reading today is that comparison is not helpful. Peter tried to compare himself to John.
    It is easy to compare ourselves to other people but it is never really helpful. God made you exactly the way He wanted. God made all of us a little different. God made us on purpose and for a purpose. When you compare yourself to someone else, how do you usually feel? Do you feel better about yourself or worse about yourself?
  • Comparison can be really hard, but we can ask God to help us think about ourselves the way He thinks about us. God loves you. God calls you His child. God made you.
  • Prayer: God, you are wonderful! Thank you for letting me know the best news ever! Jesus is alive! Thank you, Lord, for letting me serve You. God, help me tell the world about you. Amen.

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