Never Alone

Never Alone

Author: Anna Belk
Apr 29, 2022

Reading Plan:
Philippians 1:3-11

Never Alone
Author: Anna Belk

We were made for community. From the beginning of time, the Lord knew that we would need friendship, connection, and company. When in prolonged isolation, humans become vulnerable to their worldly and manipulated thought patterns. Brother Andrew once said, “Christians speak a kind of universal language… agape, the most beautiful language in the world.” It makes me wonder what universal language is spoken by those living without the transformative power of Jesus. What does the language of humankind sound like without divine intervention? If it is starved of agape, what does it communicate to its prodigals and lost sheep? Shame, vengeance, fear, selfishness, deceit, emptiness?

A language is meant to be shared with its people group, right? What is the purpose of language without a people group to share it? It would merely greet this lonely, echoing, vastness with no ear to access or soul to rouse. Language embodies the aptitude to communicate emotion, serve justice, share intention, and provide perspective. It can bless and it can curse. In House Church, we as a community, a people group, and a church body articulate a form of that agape-inspired conversation. In this sacred space, the ear might hear vulnerable conversation occurring, the laughter of children reverberating, and warm greetings offered that tug us out of somewhere deep inside ourselves. It appears to the eye like home cooking, empathetic expressions, and honest tears in candid company. In Philippians 1, our narrator is remembering his kingdom company as he experiences trials of his own. With everything going on in the news right now, we can almost share in this tested mindset. We desire, same as He, to ground ourselves in something that feels solid and safe in a shaky, inconsistent world. We desire comfort. We want justice. We are seeking a sense of hope.

Paul knew the sacred secret to spiritual survival in seasons of trial and tribulation. Paul knew that he was never really alone. He knew in spirit that he was surrounded. The church body and the armies of the Lord can be present in dedicated prayer and divine presence. If you are in a season where the abandonment, aching, or trials are weighing, remember this suitcase is not yours alone to carry. Please join a House Church. Visit our app. Let us pray for you. Allow the language of agape to occupy the darkness. Also, please continue to pray for our international brothers and sisters. We pray against doubt that they are alone in their suffering. They may feel surrounded, but heaven’s armies and the church body outnumber and override the enemy’s plans.

Reflection & Response:
• Are you in a difficult season? You don’t have to go through it alone! Confide in a fellow believer, find a House Church near you, or email us at and ask for prayer.
• Take time to pray today for fellow believers around the world as they face many different trials. Pray that they would be reminded of and encouraged by the Holy Spirit and fellow believers.
• Is there someone in your life who needs extra encouragement? Reach out to them with a note, a text, or an invitation to coffee, House Church, or Sunday at Venture. Be intentional about pouring into those around you.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: We are not meant to be alone!

• God created us to be with other people. When we are alone, sometimes we don’t make the best decisions. God gave us other people in our lives to have fun with, to cry with, to learn with, to celebrate with, and to do all kinds of things together.
• One group of people who God has given us is our families. As a family, we get to live on mission together. What is your favorite thing you do with your family?
• God has created families to be together and to be on mission. What is one way your family can live missionally? It could look like inviting a neighbor over for a meal. It could be leaving a small gift at your neighbors' doors. It could be writing notes to your neighbors. It could be giving high fives or hugs to someone you know needs some encouragement. It could be helping your neighbor in their garden or taking out their trash. There are so many ways to be on mission together; there is no right or wrong way to serve as long as we serve and love like Jesus.
• Prayer: God, you are King of kings! Thank you for the gift of other people in my life! Thank you, Lord, for letting me serve You. God, help me and my family love the world like you love the world. Amen.

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