Mary's Song

Mary's Song

Author: Heather Williams
Dec 26, 2022 | Luke 1:46-55

A few weeks ago, my husband and I sat around our kitchen table with some friends discussing this devotional. We all agreed that it would be pretty difficult to break down Mary’s Song. How exactly could one explain the amazing faith behind Mary’s words? How could one human – yes, Mary was a normal human – have so much faith in God that she barely even questions the situation that she had been handed? HOW can a 15-year-old say, “Use me, Lord, I am your servant?” Gosh, I pray that I have Mary’s faith someday!

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and I opened my Bible to begin trying to break down “Mary’s Song” in my mind. I read it and reread it. I then decided to listen to the most beautiful song called “Breath of Heaven,” sung by Amy Grant. If you’ve never heard this song, listen to it, and please read the lyrics. After hearing it, a sense of understanding and peace came over me. I remembered there was a time in my life that I questioned God’s plan for me.

At the age of 19, God gifted me with a baby. (Psalms 127:3-5) I was not married, and I was so very scared. I questioned myself, I questioned God, I questioned what others would say and think of me. Needless to say, my faith was not nearly as strong as Mary’s. I was in no position to become a mother and raise a child, but my God knew what He was doing. Just as He knew Mary would be the perfect mother for Jesus, He also knew that I would be the perfect mother for my daughter, Carissa.

Fast forward 15 years, I now find myself wondering what my future would look like if God had never given me a child. What if God had not chosen Mary to be the mother of Jesus? What a mighty and powerful God we serve to know what we need and exactly when we need it.

Humble yourselves, look at your life, and be grateful for all you’ve been given. I will end with Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel after he tells her that she is highly favored and will bear the son of the Most High. “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” What a testimony of unwavering faith and unfailing love for God!

The lyrics from “Breath of Heaven” are so moving I have to share just a little:

“Do you wonder as you watch my face if a wiser one should have had my place,

But I offer all I am for the mercy of your plan Help me be strong

Breath of Heaven, hold me together, Be forever near me, Breath of Heaven,

Breath of Heaven, Lighten my darkness, Pour over me Your holiness,

For You are holy, Breath of Heaven."

  • Have you been gifted with something you feel you don’t really deserve or even want? Ask God to reveal His perfect plan for you and to help you know that His plans are greater than our own!
  • Is your faith being tested with a trial? Do you feel like God is far from you during this time of trouble? A quote stood out to me in a movie I recently watched. It said, “Honey, of all people, you should realize when you’re going through something really hard, the teacher is always quiet during the test.” Pass the test and lean on God for answers!
  • Prayer: God, thank You for Your many blessings and especially for sending Your Son, Jesus, to save us. You are so mighty and merciful in blessing sinners like all of us. Help us all be still and feel Your presence. Use us all in mighty ways, Lord. AMEN

Family Application: Luke 1:46-55

Author: Amy Stampley

Have you ever felt like you were a favorite of your parent or teacher? Maybe you were selected for a special award. In today’s reading, Mary, the mother of Jesus, refers to herself as a humble servant. In spite of the fact (or perhaps because) she was a humble servant, God chose her above all others to be the mother of Jesus! Wow! That is amazing!

In the scripture, Mary talks about the things that the coming Messiah will do for her, will do for others, and will do for all the nations.

  • How do you think Mary felt to be chosen by God to be the mother of the Savior of the world? How does it make you feel to be recognized for something great that you have done?
  • Take a few minutes and discuss how it must have felt for Mary to be chosen by God.
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to live on Earth as a teacher for us all. Thank You for choosing Mary, a humble servant, as an example to show each of us that we can be used by You for Kingdom work. Lord, we love You so much! Amen.

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