Loved First

Loved First

Author: Kelsey Walsh
Dec 9, 2022 | Psalms 33:18-22

The Message translation adds a different flavor to today’s passage – it says:

“Watch this: God’s eye is on those who respect Him, the ones who are looking for His love. He’s ready to come to their rescue in bad times; in lean times He keeps body and soul together. We’re depending on God; He’s everything we need. What’s more, our hearts brim with joy since we’ve taken for our own His holy name. Love us, God, with all You’ve got – that’s what we’re depending on.”

The part I want to zoom in on is that God’s eye is on “the ones who are looking for His love;” or in my translation, “those who hope in His steadfast love.” It’s interesting to me that it doesn’t say that He’s watching, “those who love Him.” “Those who respect Him?” Yes. But, “those who love Him?” No.

Loving Him, of course, is crucial; Jesus confirms in the New Testament that it’s necessary to love God in order to inherit eternal life, and if we’re truly impacted and changed by His love, it’s only natural for us to love Him in return. But what’s key here is the order.

1 John 4:19 says, “we love because He first loved us.” God loved us first. Before we even took a breath or spoke a word, He loved us. And His love for us is not conditional upon our love for Him.

The only way I can process this in my mind is to think of an unborn baby. You can love a child so much before they are even fully formed. They can’t offer you a single thing. Their presence in the womb sometimes brings pain or discomfort, and their arrival into the world (from what I’ve heard) can most definitely be painful. But you love them before they’re even capable of loving you.

While we are fully dependent on God every second of every day, He doesn’t need us at all. In fact, He could easily wipe us out with the sweep of His hand. But He chooses to love, protect, and use us as part of His plan to save the world. 2,000 Decembers ago, expecting nothing in return, He came for us as a child – the only child who has ever loved His mother before she loved Him. I’m so thankful He did.

  • THINK: Try to wrap your mind around the idea of God loving you before you existed. (Spoiler alert – you can’t!)
  • PRAY: “Love us, God, with all You’ve got – that’s what we’re depending on. Thank you for being our Rescuer and Provider. Amen.”
  • ACT: Is there anyone in your life who needs to be “loved first?” How can you do something kind for them during the Christmas season?

Family Application: Put our Hope in God

Author: Nichole McCardle

All week we have been reading about hope. So let’s recap: when we are talking about the word hope from the Bible, we are talking about putting our trust in God’s promises, His character, and His faithfulness. We have learned that the hope of the world is found in our salvation through Jesus. Once we receive salvation, we have powerful, living hope. That does not mean that we will not face hard times, but when we do, we can be assured by God’s comforting hope. Yesterday we learned that as followers of Jesus, we can enter into the presence of God and that we should share that hope with everyone that we know! Read Psalm 33:18-22. These verses perfectly drive home what we have read about all week. God keeps His eyes on us, He rescues us, He is our help and shield. He is holy and faithful, and because of that, we trust in Him and put all of our hope in Him.

God created you. He loves you. He has a plan for your life. He gave you the greatest gift of hope through His Son Jesus. If you are putting your hope in anything other than God, you will be left disappointed and let down. It makes God so happy when we trust in Him and put our hope in Him.

  • Take time today and pray with your family, thanking God for sending Jesus to earth to be the hope for the whole world.
  • Prayer: God, You are our comforter, our helper, holy, and faithful! Thank You for giving hope to the world! Help me to share Your hope with others this Christmas season. Amen.

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